(For English, please see below)

Objavljeno: 4. oktobra 2023. godine

U okviru projekta BIHOS, u periodu od 27. do 29. septembra, u Sarajevu je održan prvi trening za predstavnike aktera nadzora sigurnosnog sektora s državnog nivoa, pod nazivom „Inkluzivni nadzor sigurnosnog sektora u Bosni i Hercegovini”.

Učesnici treninga su bili predstavnici Parlamentarne skupštine BiH, s naglaskom na komisije i odbore u oblasti sigurnosti, Ureda za reviziju institucija BiH, Institucije ombudsmena za ljudska prava BiH, Agencije za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije, Mininstarstva odbrane BiH te civilnog društva.

U otvaranju treninga, prisutnima se obratio ambasador Kraljevine Nizozemske, Nj. E. Henk van den Dool, koji je ukazao na važnost inkluzivnog nadzora sektora sigurnosti u BiH te da, podrškom ovakvom projektu, Nizozemska ostaje posvećena pružanju podrške BiH u EU integracijama. Tokom prva dva dana treninga, održane su sesije o međunarodnim praksama, koje su pokrile različite aktere nadzora kao što su parlament, ured za reviziju i organizacije civilnog društva, praćene sesijama o domaćim praksama, a na kojima se predstavilo trenutno stanje u BiH.

Prvog dana treninga, gospođa Meeke van den Heuvel-De Grooth, koordinatorica za upravljanje znanjem Odbora za odbranu u Predstavničkom domu Kraljevine Nizozemske, učesnicima je govorila o radu nizozemskog parlamenta i akterima koji su uključeni u nadzor. Osim toga, predstavila je i Revizorsku komoru te na koji način se vrši analiza budžeta. Gospođa van den Heuvel-De Grooth je, također, govorila i o radu Odjeljenja za analizu i istraživanje pri Predstavničkom domu Kraljevine Nizozemske. Svoje izlaganje predavačica je zaključila isticanjem važnosti efikasne i efektivne naučne procjene prijedloga zakona i politike. Prvi dan treninga zaključili su predstavnici Zajedničke komisije za odbranu i sigurnost BiH pri Parlamentarnoj skupštini BiH, gospođa Ljiljana Miličević i gospodin Željko Grubešić, predstavljajući trenutno stanje u BiH u oblasti nadzora nad sigurnosnim sektorom u BiH.

Drugi dan treninga učesnici su imali priliku upoznati se s međunarodnim praksama iz perspektive organizacija civilnog društva, konkretnije kako civilno društvo u zapadnoevropskim zemljama doprinosi radu parlamenta. Svoje iskustvo s učesnicima podijelio je viši istraživač Centra za evropske sigurnosne studije, gospodin Jos Boonstra. Gospodin Boonstra je predstavio različite faktore koji utiču na rad civilnog društva, a posebno u oblasti istraživanja, kreiranja politika i saradnje s parlamentom. Nakon toga, predsjednik Centra za sigurnosne studije, gospodin Denis Hadžović, podijelio je s učesnicima iskustva i saznanja o doprinosu bh. organizacija civilnog društva radu Parlamentarne skupštine BiH. Također, sesija o međunarodnim praksama uključivala je i upoznavanje učesnika s belgijskom revizorskom komorom. Gospodin Christophe Rappe, savjetnik Revizorske komore Belgije, učesnicima treninga je predstavio na koji način funkcioniše Revizorska komora i kako doprinosi nadzornom radu parlamenta. Gospodin Rappe je predstavio evoluciju države Belgije kroz historiju, a samim tim i način na koji su se mijenjale strukture i uloge ključnih institucija. Svoje predavanje gospodin Rappe je zaključio naglašavanjem važnosti nezavisnosti, transparentnosti, dobrog upravljanja podacima i jasnom komunikacijom i saradnjom u radu revizorske komore, kao ključni korak u podržavanju demokratije. Drugi dan treninga je zaključio gospodin Danijel Jozić, viši revizor Ureda za reviziju institucija BiH. Gospodin Jozić je učesnike upoznao sa strukturom i radom Ureda za reviziju institucija BiH te se osvrnuo na sličnosti i razlike sa slučajem Belgije.

Treći, posljednji dan treninga, učesnici su imali priliku da iskoriste iskustva i uvide sa prethodno održanih sesija, o međunarodnim praksama i stanju u BiH, te su kroz grupni rad izvukli zaključke, naglasili glavne izazove u trenutnom i daljem radu, ali i kreirali preporuke za jačanje inkluzivnog nadzora u BiH.

Podsjetimo, projekat „BIHOS – Bosna i Hercegovina gradi inkluzivni nadzor nad sigurnošću“ finansira Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Nizozemske, a implementiraju ga Centar za evropske sigurnosne studije (Groningen, Nizozemska), Centar za sigurnosne studije (Sarajevo, BiH) i Evropski defendologija centar (Banja Luka, BiH). Glavni cilj projekta je ojačati demokratsko upravljanje i inkluzivni nadzor sigurnosnog sektora u BiH na državnom, entitetskom i kantonalnom nivou.

Za više informacija o projektu BIHOS, molimo Vas da posjetite ovaj link: https://css.ba/bihos-bosna-i-hercegovina-gradi-inkluzivni-nadzor-nad-sigurnoscu/

BIHOS: The first training for the state level was held

Published: October 4th, 2023

As part of the BIHOS project, from September 27 to 29, the first training for representatives of security sector oversight actors from the state level was held in Sarajevo, entitled “Inclusive oversight of the security sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

Participants in the training were representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, with an emphasis on commissions and committees in the field of security, the Audit Office of the Institutions in BiH, the Institution of Ombudsman for Human Rights of BiH, the Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight Against Corruption, the Ministry of Defense of BiH and civil society.

At the opening of the training, the ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, H. E. Henk van den Dool, pointed out the importance of inclusive oversight of the security sector in BiH and that, by supporting such a project, the Netherlands remains committed to providing support to BiH in EU integration. During the first two days of the training, sessions on international practices were held, which covered various oversight actors such as the parliament, audit office, and civil society organizations, followed by sessions on domestic practices, where the current situation in BiH was presented.

On the first day of the training, Ms. Meeke van den Heuvel-De Grooth, knowledge coordinator of the Defence Committee in the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, spoke to the participants about the work of the Dutch parliament and the actors involved in the oversight. In addition, she presented the Audit Court and how the budget is analyzed. Ms. van den Heuvel-De Grooth also spoke about the work of the Analysis and Research Department at the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The lecturer concluded her presentation by emphasizing the importance of efficient and effective scientific evaluation of proposed laws and policies. The first day of training was concluded by the representatives of the Joint Commission for Defense and Security of BiH at the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, Ms. Ljiljana Miličević and Mr. Željko Grubešić, presenting the current situation in BiH in the field of security sector oversight in BiH.

On the second day of the training, participants had the opportunity to learn about international practices from the perspective of civil society organizations, specifically how civil society in Western European countries contributes to the work of the parliament. Senior researcher of the Centre for European Security Studies, Mr. Jos Boonstra, shared his experience with the participants. Mr. Boonstra presented various factors that influence the work of civil society, especially in the field of research, policy-making, and cooperation with parliament. After that, the president of the Centre for Security Studies, Mr. Denis Hadžović, shared with the participants his experiences and knowledge about the contribution of BH civil society organizations to the work of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly. Also, the session on international practices included introducing the participants to the Belgian Audit Court. Mr. Christophe Rappe, advisor to the Audit Court of Belgium, presented to the training participants how the Audit Court functions and how it contributes to the oversight work of the parliament. Mr. Rappe showed the evolution of the Belgian state through history, and therefore the way in which the structures and roles of key institutions have changed. Mr. Rappe concluded his lecture by emphasizing the importance of independence, transparency, good data management, and clear communication and cooperation in the work of the Audit Court, as a key step in supporting democracy. The second day of training was concluded by Mr. Danijel Jozić, senior auditor of the Audit Office of the institutions of BiH. Mr. Jozić introduced the participants to the structure and work of the Audit Office and referred to the similarities and differences with the case of Belgium.

On the third and last day of the training, the participants had the opportunity to use the experiences and insights from the previously held sessions, about international practices and the situation in BiH, and through group work they drew conclusions, emphasized the main challenges in the current and future work, but also created recommendations for strengthening of inclusive oversight in BiH.

Let us remind you that the project “BIHOS – Bosnia and Herzegovina is building inclusive oversight over security” is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is implemented by the Centre for European Security Studies (Groningen, Netherlands), the Centre for Security Studies (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina), and the European Defendology Center (Banja Luka, BiH). The main goal of the project is to strengthen the democratic management and inclusive supervision of the security sector in BiH at the state, entity, and cantonal levels.

For more information about the BIHOS project, please visit this link: https://css.ba/bihos-bosna-i-hercegovina-gradi-inkluzivni-nadzor-nad-sigurnoscu/