(For English language, please see below)
Objavljeno: 10. Maja 2024. godine
Okončan je, treći po redu, trening za predstavnike institucija na državnom nivou BiH, pod nazivom „Jačanje upravljanja kibernetičkom sigurnošću u Bosni i Hercegovini“. Trening je organizovan u sklopu projekta „BIHOS – Bosna i Hercegovina gradi inkluzivni nadzor nad sigurnošću“.
Trening je trajao od 7. do 9. maja, a učesnici su imali priliku podsjetiti se tema koje s bile predmet prethodnog treninga te dobiti jasniju sliku o destruktivnosti kibernetičkih napada, kojih u današnjem dobu, nažalost, ne manjka. Uvodne riječi su imali gospodin Denis Hadžović, predsjedik Centra za sigurnosne studije, koji je skrenuo pažnju na potrebu za uspostavljem CERT-a na državnom nivou u BiH te Jos Boonstra iz Evropskog centra za sigurnosne studije, koji je govorio o značaju kibernetičke sigurnosti za sve države i koji je pohvalio napredak BiH u odnosu na prethodnu godinu u ovoj oblasti.
Kroz prva dva dana treninga, Anouk Vos, osnivačica nizozemske kompanije Revnext i Natalia Wojtowicz s Univerziteta primijenjenih nauka u Haagu, govorile su o različitim vrstama i tehnikama koje se koriste pri kibernetičkim napadima te o preventivnim i korektivnim metodama u slučaju istih. Posebnu pažnju su posvetile različitim pristupima kreiranja kampanja za podizanje svijsti o kibernetičkoj sigurnosti, referirajući na neophodnu prilagodbu u ovisnosti o starosnoj dobi ciljane grupe ljudi. Također, govorile su o značaju zaštite privatnih i poslovnih podataka i o neophodnoj konstantnoj edukaciji o preventivnim mjerama u cilju ostvarenja pomenutog. Trening je zaključio izvršni direktor Centra za izvrsnost u cyber sigurnosti, prezentujući rad ovog Centra i zanimljivom simulacijskom vježbom u kojoj su svi učesnici uzeli učešće.
Kroz ovaj trodnevni trening, učesnici su imali priliku učestvovati u nekoliko simulacijkih vježbi usmjerenih na postavljanje sistema za zaštitu od kibernetičkih prijetnji i odbranu od istih.
Podsjetimo, projekat „BIHOS – Bosna i Hercegovina gradi inkluzivni nadzor nad sigurnošću“ finansira Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Nizozemske, a implementiraju ga Centar za evropske sigurnosne studije (Groningen, Nizozemska), Centar za sigurnosne studije (Sarajevo, BiH) i Evropski defendologija centar (Banja Luka, BiH). Glavni cilj projekta je ojačati demokratsko upravljanje i inkluzivni nadzor sigurnosnog sektora u BiH na državnom, entitetskom i kantonalnom nivou.
Više informacija o projektu BIHOS možete pronaći ovdje, a možete nas pratiti i na društvenim mrežama (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter i LinkedIn) upotrebom hashtag-a #BIHOS.
BIHOS: The third training for the state level was held
Published: May 10th, 2024
The third in a row training for representatives of institutions at the state level in BiH, entitled „Strengthening Cybersecurity Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina“, is completed. This training was organized as part of the project „BIHOS – Bosnia and Herzegovina is Building Inclusive Oversight of Security“.
Training took place from 7th of May untill May 9th 2024, during which participants had the chance to remind themselves about the topics that were the subject of the last training and gain more clear image about the destructivness of cybersecurity attacks of which in the modern age, unfortunately, there is no shortage. The President of the Centre for Security Studies, Mr. Deins Hadžović, and Mr. Jos Boonstra from the Centre for European Security studies gave introductory words. Mr. Denis Hadžović refered to the urgent need of national CERT establishment in BiH, and Jos Boonstra praised the progress of BiH in this field, compared to last year.
During the first two training days, Anouk Vos, founder of Revnetxt, company from The Netherlands and Natalia Wojtowicz from The Hague Univerity of Applied Science, talked about various species and techniques used for cybersecurity attacks, and about preventive and corrective measuresin such cases. They paid special attention to to creation process of awareness-raising campaigns, reffering to the necessary need of campaign adaptation depending on the age oftargeted audience. Also, they talked about the protection of private and professional data and the need of constant education regarding prevetive meassures in oreder to achieve foresaid.
Training was concluded by the director of Cyber Security Excellence Centre by presenting the work of this Centre and an interesting simulation excersise in which all the the training participants also participated.
Trough this three-day training, participants had a chance to participate in number of simulation excersises aimed at the establishemnt of system for protection from cyber threaths and defense from such.
Please note that the project “BIHOS – Bosnia and Herzegovina Building Inclusive Oversight of Security” is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and it is implemented by the Center for European Security Studies (Groningen, Netherlands), the Centre for Security Studies (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and the European Defendology Center ( Banja Luka, BiH). The primary objective of the project is to strengthen democratic governance and inclusive oversight of the security sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) on the state, entity, and canton levels.
You can find more information about the BIHOS project here and follow us on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn) using the hashtag #BIHOS.