(For English, please see below)
Objavljeno: 06.10.2022. godine
U narednih godinu dana, Centar za sigurnosne studije (CSS) će uzeti učešće u projektu koji predvodi Beogradski centar za bezbednosnu politiku (BCBP), a koji se finansira putem Fonda Rockefeller Brothers. Cilj projekta je da ponudi preporuke koje bi doprinijele boljem odgovoru na neku narednu pandemiju.
U okviru ovog projekta, CSS će učestvovati u implementaciji dvije grupe aktivnosti: 1) istraživanje upravljanja pandemijom COVID-19 u Srbiji, Kosovu, Bosni i Hercegovini, Sjevernoj Makedoniji, Albaniji i Crnoj Gori, ali i upravljanja pandemijom većih međunarodnih organizacija i mehanizama, poput UN-a, Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (SZO) i COVAX-a, i 2) na osnovu ključnih zaključaka i preporuka, sprovest će se aktivnosti zagovaranja za strukturne promjene i promjene u domenu javnih politika za svaku državu na Zapadnom Balkanu, a u kontekstu regionalnih odnosa. Zagovaranje će se također odnositi na poboljšanje funkcionisanja SZO i COVAX-a s ciljem da ovi akteri efikasnije reaguju prilikom potencijalnog izbijanja neke naredne pandemije.
Na osnovu istraživanja, napravit će se lista preporuka za promjene na nacionalnom, regionalnom i međunarodnom nivou s ciljem da institucionalni odgovor na narednu pandemiju bude efikasniji. Ključni nalazi istraživanja će biti predstavljeni u finalnoj studiji koja će biti razvijena kao osnova za javno zagovaranje, kao i u šest nacionalnih policy brief-ova i jednom međunarodnom.
Published: October 6th, 2022
Within the following year, the Centre for Security Studies (CSS) will take part in a project led by the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCBP), which is funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. The aim of the project is to offer recommendations that would contribute to a better response to a future pandemic.
Within this project, CSS will participate in the implementation of two groups of activities: 1) pandemic management research of COVID-19 in Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro, but also into the management of the pandemic by major international organizations and mechanisms, such as the UN, the World Health Organization (WHO) and COVAX, and 2) based on critical conclusions and recommendations, advocacy activities for structural changes and changes in the domain of public policies will be carried out for each country in the Western Balkans, and in the context of regional relations. Advocacy will also relate to improving the functioning of the WHO and COVAX with the aim that these actors react more efficiently in the event of a potential outbreak of the next pandemic.
Based on the research, a list of recommendations for changes at the national, regional, and international levels will be drawn up with the aim of making the institutional response to the next pandemic more efficient. The key findings of the research will be presented in the final study, which will be developed as a basis for public advocacy, as well as in six national and one international policy briefs.