The celebratory period, marking the 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and EU Day, was deservingly manifested by the recently established EU Information Centre (EUIC) in Sarajevo, BiH with the aim of making EU presence more visible. With this goal in mind, EUIC organized an open-air exhibition which ran from 22nd March – 31st May 2007. The exhibition was comprised of 45 laminated panels, photographic images and general information regarding 27 EU capitals and general information about EU.
Moreover, furthering the commemoration of EU 50th Anniversary, an accompanying catalogue and leaflets were handed out, promoting the banner ‘’Together Since 1957’’. This event was both cultural and educational, providing information about each of the EU member states. The on-going promotion campaign targeted at an array of groups, particularly schools. This ensured the event had reached many people directly, most of them youngsters as well as the general public through media coverage.