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U okviru projekta „Policija i poštivanje ljudskih prava u BiH“, finansiranog od strane Evropske unije, u četvrtak i petak, 4. i 5. februara održan je drugi i zadnji trening za trenere/ice na temu „Rodna ravnopravnost u policijskim strukturama u BiH“. Predstavnici policijskih agencija s prostora cijele Bosne i Hercegovine imali su priliku učiti o rodnim konceptima, diskriminaciji po osnovu spola, seksualnom uznemiravanju, domaćim i međunarodnim zakonskim okvirima i postojećim mehanizmima za ostvarivanje ravnopravnosti spolova u BiH te mehanizmima za zaštitu od diskriminacije.
Cilj je bio osposobiti kapacitete policijskih agencija da mogu sami provoditi kontinuirane edukacije na temu rodne ravnopravnosti, te tako dugoročno doprinijeti boljem položaju žena u policijskom sektoru. Program, na bazi kojeg su realizirana dva treninga za trenere/ice, razvijen je od Udruženja „Mreža policijskih službenica“, jednog od projektnih partnera, te se temeljio na dobrim iskustvima sličnih trening programa, rađenih u okviru Državne agencije za istrage i zaštitu (SIPA). Kroz dva treninga, educirana su 52 trenera/ice.
Projektni partneri će u narednom periodu izraditi i Priručnik za trenere/ice, kako bi se obezbijedila i olakšala kontinuirana edukacija, ali i kako bi se zagovaralo da se obuka o rodnim pitanjima uvrsti u obavezne planove i programe obuka unutar policijskih agencija. To je već slučaj u SIPA-i, dok su za vrijeme trajanja ovog projekta isto to učinili Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Posavskog kantona te Sudska policija Republike Srpske.
Projekat „Policija i poštivanje ljudskih prava u BiH“ finansira Evropska unija, a implementiraju ga Centar za sigurnosne studije iz Sarajeva, Udruženje „Mreža policijskih službenica“ iz Sarajeva, Ženevski centar za upravljanje sigurnosnim sektorom (DCAF). Implementacija je započela u januaru prošle godine, aperiod implementacije je 20 mjeseci. Cilj projekta je osnažiti poštivanje ljudskih prava prilikom primjene policijskih ovlaštenja unutar policijskih agencija, unaprijediti ravnopravnost spolova u njima, te promovirati ulogu žena u policiji.
Within the project “The Police and the Repect for Human Rights in BiH” “, funded by the European Union, the second and final training for trainers on the topic “Gender Equality in Police Structures in BiH” was held on Thursday and Friday, February 4th-5th 2021. Representatives of police agencies from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina had the opportunity to learn about gender concepts, gender discrimination, sexual harassment, domestic and international legal frameworks and existing mechanisms for achieving gender equality in BiH and mechanisms for protection against discrimination.
The aim was to enable the capacity of police agencies to independently conduct continuous education on gender equality, and thus contribute to the better position of women in the police sector. The Program, on the basis of which two trainings for trainers were realized, was developed by the “Policewomen’s Network” Association, one of the project partners, and was based on good experiences of similar training programs, conducted by the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA). Through two trainings, 52 female/male trainers were trained.
In the coming period, the project partners will develop a Handbook for Trainers, in order to provide and facilitate continuing education, but also to advocate for the inclusion of training on gender issues in the mandatory training plans and programs within police agencies. This is already the case in SIPA, while during the duration of this project, the Ministry of the Interior of the Posavina Canton and the Judicial Police of the Republika Srpska did the same.
The project “The Police and the Repect for Human Rights in BiH” is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Centre for Security Studies, Sarajevo, the “Policewomen’s Network” Association, Sarajevo, and the Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance (DCAF). Implementation began in January last year, and the implementation period is 20 months. The aim of the project is to strengthen respect for human rights in the exercise of police powers within police agencies, to promote gender equality, and to promote the role of women in the police.