Projekt EUphoria provodi se uz financijsku potporu Europske unije kroz program IPA 2010., a traje od oktobra 2011. do marta 2012.

Opći cilj projekta je povećati nivo znanja i svjesnosti mladih ljudi, općinskih zvaničnika, medija, profesora i učitelja o procesu proširenja, kroz produbljivanje znanja i prihvaćanje vrijednosti i standarda EU koji utječu na svakidašnji život istih u slijedećim gradovima: Bihaću, Cazinu, Bosanskoj Krupi, Prijedoru, Gackom i Trebinju.

Specifični cilj projekta je podići svijest među mladima i lokalnim medijima i povećati nivo protoka relevantnih informacija o EU, kroz organizovanje 24 debate.

Ciljne grupe su:

• Općinski radnici;

• Organizacije civilnog društva;

• Lokalni mediji; i

• Učitelji u srednjim školama i profesori na fakultetima.

Glavne aktivnosti su:

1. Prezentacija projekta i uspostava partnerstva sa civilnim društvom,

2. Razvoj i održavanje javnih debata, kroz udruživanje znanja i iskustava,

3. Javne promotivne kampanje – tokom projekta kampanja će promovirati planirane akcije, aktivnosti i rezultate.


The project EUphoria is supported by the European Union as a part of the IPA programme 2010, and will be implemented in the period from October 2011 to March 2012.

The overall project’s goal is to increase the level of knowledge and awareness of youth, municipal officials, professors and teachers in regard to enlargement process, deepening their knowledge and acceptance of EU standards which affect everyday life of stated target groups in respective cities: Bihać, Cazin, Bosanska Krupa, Prijedor, Gacko and Trebinje.

The specific goal of the project is to raise the awareness amongst youth and local media and increase the level of EU relevant information exchange, by means of organizing 24 debates.

The target groups include:

• Municipal officials in targeted municipalities

• Civil society organizations based in the targeted municipalities

• Local media based in the targeted municipalities; and

• Teachers from secondary schools in the targeted municipalities as well as professors from the faculties/universities located in the targeted municipalities

Main activities include:

1. Presentation of the project and establishment of partnerships with the civil society

2. Development and realization of public debates, through knowledge and experience exchange,

3. Public promotional campaigns – in the course of the project, the campaign will be used to promote planned actions, activities and results.