DCAF & CSS Support to the Citizens’ Complaints Board on the Work of Police Officers

in Bosnia Herzegovina

The Citizens’ Complaints Board on the Work of Police Officers (the Board) receives complaints about misconduct or abuse of police powers and oversees how internal control units from state police agencies are handling citizens’ complaints. The Board may identify widespread problems or patterns of wrongdoings and initiate investigations in order to address systemic issues within the police.  The impact of the Board’s recommendations on police procedures and codes of conduct is enhanced by a good communication with the public and by the endorsement of parliament. 

This project is initiated by the Board, as a follow up to the Regional Seminar on the Role of Independent Police Complaints Bodies in Fostering Police Integrity, organised by DCAF, CSS and the Board in April 2015. The Board will be supported to implement this project as part of DCAF overall support to independent institutions that complement and strengthen parliament’s role in democratic oversight of security sector. 

The project aims to build institutional capacity within the Board and develop their expertise in undertaking systemic investigations, thus facilitating an assessment of the best available options for improving police integrity and responsiveness to citizen’s needs.

  1. Phase One: Conduct an own-initiative investigation on the implementation of Codes of Conduct and Professional Standards in selected Border Police Units; assess level of preparedness for dealing with high fluxes of refugees.
  2. Phase Two: Focus Group on procedures in dealing with citizens complains – for representatives of internal control units, the Board, the Ombudsman-institution.
  3. Phase Three: Publication and dissemination of Guidelines for dealing with citizens complaints.

Partners :

  • Citizens’ Complaints Board on the Work of Police Officers in Bosnia Herzegovina
  • DCAF
  • Centre for Security Studies