(For English, please see below)
U srijedu, 8. 5. 2024. godine, održan je kick-off događaj za inicijativu “Žene i sigurnost? Prirodno, skroz!”. Svrha događaja bila je upoznati predstavnike sigurnosnog sektora o novoj inicijativi koja ima za cilj unapređivanje položaja žena u sektoru sigurnosti putem boljeg shvatanja i primjene Rezolucije 1325 u društvu te osiguravanje više rodno osjetljivog nadzora nad sektorom sigurnosti u BiH.
Događaju su prisustvovali predstavnici parlamentarnih komisija za sigurnost i ravnopravnost spolova, skoro svih policijskih agencija, Obavještajno-sigurnosne agencije BiH, Uprave za indirektno oporezivanje, civilnog društva i međunarodnih organizacija.
Događaj je počeo prikazivanjem dokumentarnog filma “Žene u policiji: prednost koju trebamo”. Taj dokumentarni film nastao je u sklopu projekta “Policija i poštivanje ljudskih prava u BiH” koji finansira Evropska unija, a koji ilustrira problematiku nedostatka žena u policijskim strukturama u BiH.
Nakon toga, slijedile su riječi dobrodošlice koje je započeo gospodin Gianluca Vannini, šef Sekcije operacija za socijalni razvoj, civilno društvo i prekograničnu saradnju Delegacije Evropske unije u BiH, tako što je dao presjek trenutnog stanja u EU glede položaja žena u sigurnosnom sektoru. U svom govoru je naglasio da je ravnopravnost žena od krucijalne važnosti i da je to jedan od preduslova za pristupanje u EU. Pratili su ga gospodin Denis Hadžović, predsjednik Centra za sigurnosne studije, te gospođa Kristina Jozić, predsjednica Udruženja „Mreža policijskih službenica“, koji su učesnike okvirno upoznali s inicijativom, kao i sa trenutnim stanjem u sigurnosnom sektoru i kako aktivnije učešće žena može poboljšati to stanje. Potom se obratio gospodin Jos Boonstra, viši istraživač u Centru za evropske sigurnosne studije (Nizozemska), koji je naglasio da je problem manjka žena u sigurnosnom sektoru nešto sa čime se bore i najrazvijenije zemlje, ne samo BiH. Ujedno, naveo je i pozitivan primjer iz njegove zemlje gdje je, u martu ove godine, žena izabrana za šeficu policije. Gospođa Samra Filipović-Hadžiabdić, direktorica Agencije za ravnopravnost spolova BiH, svojim je obraćanjem završila riječi dobrodošlice, tako što je navela neke od krucijalnih problema s kojim se žene susreću u sigurnosnom sektoru u BiH, kao i potencijalne metode rješenja tih problema.
Poslje riječi dobrodošlice, uslijedila je diskusija, čija je moderatorica bila gospođa Kristina Jozić. Diskusija je imala za cilj da se prisutni bliže upoznaju s inicijativnom „Žene i sigurnost? Prirodno, skroz!“, tako što su zajedno analizirali njene ključne poruke:
Apsolutna sigurnost ne postoji, sveobuhvatnija je ako uključuje žensku perspektivu
Uprkos zakonskoj zabrani, rodno zasnovana diskriminacija je prisutna
Poboljšanje psihološke podrške policiji znači i veću sigurnost za zajednicu
Efikasan demokratski nadzor zahtijeva inkluzivnost – aktera i sadržaja
Događaj je završio ceremonijalnim potpisivanjem memoranduma o razumijevanju. Memorandum su potpisali: Denis Hadžović (predsjednik CSS-a), Ensad Korman (zamjenik direktora Granične policije BiH), Dragan Mioković (Predstavnički dom Parlamenta FBiH, Komisija za sigurnost), Samra Filipović-Hadžiabdić (direktorica Agencije za ravnopravnost spolova BiH) i Kristina Jozić (predsjednica Udruženja „Mreža policijskih službenica“). Svrha memoranduma je doprinositi snažnijoj primjeni Rezolucije 1325, Zakona o ravnopravnosti spolova BiH i pratećih akcionih planova, osiguravanju većeg učešća žena u različitim sferama sektora sigurnosti u BiH, s fokusom na mjesta donošenja odluka, te borbi protiv rodno zasnovane diskriminacije i nasilja.
Inicijativu „Žene i sigurnost? Prirodno, skroz!“ finansira Evropska unija, a implementiraju Centar za sigurnosne studije (Sarajevo, BiH), kao glavni nosilac, te naše partnerske organizacije Udruženje “Mreža policijskih službenica” (Sarajevo, BiH) i Centar za evropske sigurnosne studije (Groningen, Nizozemska).
Ukoliko želite više informacija o našoj inicijativi, ljubazno Vas molimo da nas kontaktirate putem e-maila: info@css.ba; telefona: +387(0)33262456, a tok njene implementacije možete pratiti putem web stranice: www.css.ba i upotrebom heštegova #CSSBiH #GESOSSBiH na društvenim medijima.
GESOSS BiH: We presented an initiative that will ensure greater participation of women in various spheres of the security sector in BiH
On Wednesday, May 8, 2024, a kick-off event was held for the initiative “Women and Security? Naturally, Completely!”. The purpose of the event was to inform representatives of the security sector about a new initiative aimed at improving the position of women in the security sector through a better understanding and application of Resolution 1325 and ensuring more gender-sensitive oversight of the security sector in BiH.
The event was attended by representatives of parliamentary committees for security and gender equality, nearly all police agencies, the Intelligence-Security Agency of BiH, the Indirect Taxation Authority, civil society, and international organizations.
The event began with the screening of the documentary “Women in Police: The Advantage We Need“. This documentary film was created as part of the project “The police and the respect for human rights in BiH” funded by the European Union, illustrating the issue of the lack of women in police structures in BiH.
After the documentary, the welcoming remarks were initiated by Mr. Gianluca Vannini, the Head of Operations for Section III (Social Development, Civil Society, and Cross-Border Cooperation) of the Delegation of the European Union to BiH. He started by giving an overview of the current situation in the EU regarding the position of women in the security sector. In his speech, he emphasized that women’s equality is crucial and is one of the preconditions for joining the EU. He was followed by Mr. Denis Hadžović, the President of the Centre for Security Studies, and Ms. Kristina Jozić, the President of the “Police Women’s Network” Association, who briefly spoke about the key points of the initiative, as well as the current condition of the security sector and how increased participation of women can improve that condition. Then Mr. Jos Boonstra, a senior researcher at the Centre for European Security Studies (Netherlands), emphasized that the problem of the lack of women in the security sector is something that even the most developed countries struggle with, not only BiH. He cited a positive example from his country where a woman was elected chief of police in March of this year. Ms. Samra Filipović-Hadžiabdić, the Director of the Agency for Gender Equality of BiH, concluded the welcoming remarks by stating some of the crucial problems faced by women in the security sector in BiH, as well as potential methods of solving those problems.
Following the welcoming remarks, a discussion ensued, moderated by Ms. Kristina Jozić. The aim of the discussion was for the attendees to become more familiar with the initiative “Women and Security? Naturally, Completely!”, by analyzing the key messages together:
Absolute safety does not exist; it is more comprehensive if it includes the female perspective.
Despite legal prohibition, gender-based discrimination is present.
Improving psychological support for the police also means greater safety for the community.
Effective democratic oversight requires the inclusiveness of both actors and content.
The event concluded with the ceremonial signing of a memorandum of understanding. The memorandum was signed by Denis Hadžović (President of CSS), Ensad Korman (Deputy Director of the BiH Border Police), Dragan Mioković (House of Representatives of the FBiH Parliament, Security Committee), Samra Filipović-Hadžiabdić (Director of the Agency for Gender Equality of BiH), and Kristina Jozić (President of the “Police Women’s Network” Association). The purpose of the memorandum is to contribute to a stronger implementation of Resolution 1325, the Law on Gender Equality of BiH, and the accompanying action plans, to ensure greater participation of women in various spheres of the security sector in BiH, with a focus on decision-making positions, and the fight against gender-based discrimination and violence.
The initiative “Women and Security? Naturally, Completely!” is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Centre for Security Studies (Sarajevo, BiH) as the main carrier, and our partner organizations, “Police Women’s Network” Association (Sarajevo, BiH), and the Centre for European Security Studies (Groningen, Netherlands).
For more information about our initiative, please contact us via email: info@css.ba; phone: +387(0)33262456. You can follow the progress of its implementation via the website: www.css.ba and by using the hashtags #CSSBiH #GESOSSBiH on social media.