(For English, please see below)

Devetog decembra, u Konjicu, uz finansijsku podršku Evropske unije, održan je prvi od ukupno tri treninga za predstavnike zakonodavnih tijela u BiH o nadzoru sektora sigurnosti te agendi „Žene, mir i sigurnost“. Trening je organiziran pod okriljem inicijative „Žene i sigurnost? Prirodno, skroz!“.

Trening je okupio predstavnike Zajedničke komisije za odbranu i sigurnost Parlamentarne skupštine BiH, komisija za sigurnost Predstavničkog doma i Doma naroda Parlamenta FBiH, Odbora za bezbjednost Narodne skupštine Republike Srpske te Komisije za ravnopravnost spolova Skupštine Hercegovačko-neretvanskog kantona (HNK). U ime organizatora, prigodnim obraćanjem, trening je otvorio predsjednik Centra za sigurnosne studije (CSS), dr. sc. Denis Hadžović, ujedno i projektni menadžer.

Tokom treninga, učesnici su analizirali ključne aspekte sektora sigurnosti, uključujući njegovo definisanje, upravljanje i nadzor, s naglaskom na inkluzivne pristupe. Facilitatori gospodin Peter Vanhoutte, bivši belgijski parlamentarac, te gospodin Merijn Hartog, direktor Centra za evropske sigurnosne studije, pružili su stručno vodstvo kroz interaktivne diskusije o razvoju inkluzivnog nadzora sektora sigurnosti. Popodnevni dio programa bio je posvećen rodnoj ravnopravnosti i agendi “Žene, mir i sigurnost”, uz facilitaciju gospođe Heather Huhtanen, stručnjakinje za rodnu ravnopravnost/sigurnost i pravdu, koja je osigurala konkretne primjere operacionalizacije WPS-a u sektoru sigurnosti.

S obzirom da je trening okupio predstavnike komisija za sigurnost s različitih nivoa vlasti u BiH, CSS je projektu, u okviru postojećih finansijskih i tehničkih mogućnosti, osigurao dodatnu vrijednost u nastojanju da pruži doprinos kontinuitetu održavanja zajedničkih sastanaka predstavnika parlamentarnih/skupštinskih komisija za sigurnost u BiH. Tako je dan nakon treninga, 10. decembra, održan zajednički sastanak prisutnih predstavnika komisija za sigurnost o odgovoru i aktivnostima nadležnih lokalnih institucija na nedavne prirodne nepogode koje su pogodile i Hercegovačko-neretvanski kanton (HNK). Za potrebe sastanka, izvjestitelji su bili gospodin Mustafa Gakić, načelnik Policijske uprave Konjic Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova HNK, te gospodin Husein Hodžić, pomoćnik gradonačelnika Grada Konjica za civilnu zaštitu. Ključne poruke s tog sastanka su da je potrebno kontinuirano ulagati u preventivne mjere, obuku i opremanje službi civilne zaštite u lokalnim zajednicama te dodatno poboljšati zakonsku legislativu, posebno u pogledu zaštite ljudi i imovine.

O navedenom treningu, uz informacije distribuirane putem naših komunikacijskih kanala, informacije su prenijeli i određeni mediji, a iste su postavljene i na zvaničnoj stranici Parlamentarne skupštine BiH.

GESOSS BiH, odnosno inicijativu „Žene i sigurnost? Prirodno, skroz!“ finansira Evropska unija, a implementiraju CSS (Sarajevo, BiH), kao glavni nosilac, te naše partnerske organizacije Udruženje Mreža policijskih službenica (Sarajevo, BiH) i Centar za evropske sigurnosne studije (Groningen, Nizozemska). Ukoliko želite pratiti našu inicijativu, to možete učiniti putem web stranice: www.css.ba i/ili upotrebom heštegova #CSSBiH #GESOSSBiH na društvenim medijima.

GESOSS BiH: Gender Perspective – A Key to Comprehensive Security and Better Sector Oversight

On December 9, in Konjic, with financial support from the European Union, the first of three planned trainings for representatives of legislative bodies in BiH was held. The training focused on security sector oversight and the “Women, Peace, and Security” (WPS) agenda. It was organized under the initiative “Women and Security? Naturally, Completely!”

The training brought together representatives from the Joint Committee on Defense and Security of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, the Security Committees of the House of Representatives and House of Peoples of the Federation of BiH, the Security Committee of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska, and the Gender Equality Commission of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) Assembly. On behalf of the organizers, the training was officially opened by the President of the Centre for Security Studies (CSS), Mr. Denis Hadžović, PhD, who also serves as the project manager.

During the training, participants analyzed key aspects of the security sector, including its definition, governance, and oversight, with a focus on inclusive approaches. Facilitators Mr. Peter Vanhoutte, former Belgian parliamentarian, and Mr. Merijn Hartog, Director of the Centre for European Security Studies, provided expert guidance through interactive discussions on developing inclusive security sector oversight. The afternoon session focused on gender equality and the WPS agenda, facilitated by Ms. Heather Huhtanen, an expert in gender equality/security and justice, who provided concrete examples of operationalizing WPS within the security sector.

Given that the training gathered representatives from security committees across various levels of government in BiH, CSS added value to the project within its financial and technical capabilities by ensuring the continuity of joint meetings among parliamentary/assembly security committees in BiH. Consequently, on the day following the training, December 10, a joint meeting of the security committee representatives was held to address the response and actions of local institutions concerning recent natural disasters that affected the HNC. For the meeting, Mr. Mustafa Gakić, Head of the Konjic Police Department, and Mr. Husein Hodžić, Assistant Mayor of Konjic for Civil Protection, acted as reporters. Key messages from this meeting emphasized the need for continuous investment in preventive measures, training, and equipping civil protection services in local communities, as well as improving legal frameworks, particularly regarding the protection of people and property.

Information about the training was shared through our communication channels, covered by certain media outlets, and published on the official website of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.

GESOSS BiH, or the initiative “Women and Security? Naturally, Completely!” is funded by the European Union and implemented by CSS (Sarajevo, BiH) as the lead organization, in partnership with the „Police Women’s Network“ Association (Sarajevo, BiH) and the Centre for European Security Studies (Groningen, Netherlands). To follow our initiative, visit our website at www.css.ba and/or use the hashtags #CSSBiH #GESOSSBiH on social media.