(For English, please see below)
Objavljeno: 21.02.2023. godine
U sklopu prve aktivnosti projekta „Unapređenje sigurnosti žena u lokalnim zajednicama – AwareBiH“, obavljeni su online intervjui, gdje smo pitali naše sugrađanke za savjet o poboljšanju njihovog osjećaja sigurnosti. Centar za sigurnosne studije prikupio je odgovore žena u BiH na pitanje: Kako preporučujete svojim sugrađanima da doprinesu Vašem osjećaju sigurnosti u lokalnoj zajednici?
Kao odgovor koji je najviše prisutan među savjetima naših sugrađanki, zasigurno se ističe veće prisustvo policije, posebno u manjim lokalnim zajednicama. Prethodna istraživanja ukazuju na potrebu za većim prisustvom policije u lokalnim zajednicama, s ciljem poboljšanja sigurnosti građana u njihovom mjestu boravka. Osim toga, istaknuta je i važnost uključenosti građana u pomenuti proces unapređenja sigurnosti. Stoga, zagovaranje saradnje između policije i građana i dalje ima veliki značaj za sigurnost BiH građana.
„Policija bi uvijek trebala prisutna u naseljima i da nadgleda situaciju. Prisustvo policije može biti od velike pomoći, kako napad ne bi eskalirao.“ – anonimni odgovor
Na drugom mjestu se nalazi ponašanje prolaznika na ulici u situacijama gdje su pojedinci, a posebno žene, žrtve napada. Među savjetima se ističe da je poželjno da prolaznici priteknu u pomoć umjesto da ostaju kao puki posmatrači. Osim toga, prijava bilo kojeg oblika nasilja kojem se svjedoči zasigurno može doprinijeti osjećaju sigurnosti. Tokom 2021. i 2022., društvene mreže je preplavio hashtag #Nisamprijavila, koji su koristile djevojke i žene kako bi istakle koliko često nailaze na nepovjerenje i odsustvo adekvatne pomoći kao žrtve nasilja. Iako žene i djevojke u BiH i šire kontinuirano naglašavaju važnost zaštite žena koje su sve češće žrtve raznih napada, evidentna je potreba za djelovanjem na svim nivoima kako bi se ovaj problem ozbiljnije shvatio.
„Želim da reaguju ako je žena u nekoj vrsti problema u javnosti. Problem je što većina ljudi ne poduzima ništa u takvim situacijama.“ – anonimni odgovor
Sljedeći odgovor, ali ništa manje bitan, jeste bolja ulična rasvjeta. Osim pružanja pomoći kada je primjetno da je potrebna, žene u BiH također smatraju da nadležni organi mogu doprinijeti boljem osjećaju sigurnosti žena u njihovim lokalnim zajednicama boljom rasvjetom, posebno u manjim ulicama. Kompanija Google navodno radi na nečemu novom – označavanje osvjetljenih ulica prilikom korištenja Google Maps, kako bi korisnici izbjegli mračne i nepoznate ulice. U iščekivanju pomoći internacionalnih kompanija i sve dok se građani BiH moraju osloniti na savjete poput „izbjegavajte mračne ulice“ kako bi izbjegli mogući napad, imperativno je istaći prijeku potrebu za pravovremenim djelovanjem.
„Potrebno je tražiti da sve ulice imaju rasvjetu, jer se napadi češće dešavaju na mračnim mjestima.“ – anonimni odgovor
Naposljetku, naše sugrađanke ističu važnost edukacije koja treba početi već sa najmlađim uzrastom. Tačnije, kroz odgoj i školsko obrazovanje, djeca i mladi trebaju prepoznati značaj i važnost u pružanju pomoći drugima. Uz to, potrebno je ukazati i na važnu ulogu u prevenciji nasilja. Osim edukacije i odgoja mladih, ističe se i važnost dodatne edukacije policijskih službenika. Tokom 2022. realizovana je i obuka za policijske službenike o provođenju zaštitnih mjera i pružanju trenutne zaštite žena koje prežive nasilje u porodici. Poduzimaju se neophodni koraci u dodatnom edukovanju predstavnika sigurnosnog sektora, na čemu zasigurno treba kontinuirano raditi. Tome jasno doprinose i kampanje u školama širom BiH, sa jasnom porukom – stop nasilju.
„Potrebno je i odgajati djecu tako da ne postanu oni koji vrše nasilje, a i da se izbore za sebe kao žrtve nasilja. Prijedlog je i da se djeca upišu na borilački sport, te da se radi na samopouzdanju.“ – anonimni odgovor
Zahvalni smo na doprinosu Kanade ovom projektu kroz Kanadski fond za lokalne inicijative.
Mišljenja sadržana u ovoj publikaciji ne odražavaju nužno mišljenja Vlade Kanade.
How to contribute to women’s feeling of security in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Published: February 21st, 2023
As part of the first activity of the project “Improvement of Women’s Safety and Security in Local Communities – AwareBiH“, online interviews were conducted, where we asked our fellow citizens for advice on improving their sense of safety. The Center for Security Studies collected women’s responses in BiH to the question: How would you recommend your fellow citizens to contribute to your sense of security in the local community?
As the answer that is most present among the advice of our fellow citizens/women in BiH, the greater presence of the police, especially in smaller local communities, certainly stands out. Previous research points to the need for greater police presence in local communities, aiming to improve citizens’ safety in their place of residence. In addition, the importance of citizens’ involvement in the aforementioned process of security improvement was highlighted. Therefore, advocating cooperation between the police and citizens continues to be of great importance for the safety of BiH citizens.
“The police should always be present in the residential areas and monitor the situation. The presence of the police can be of great help so that the attack does not escalate.” – anonymous answer
In second place is the behavior of passers-by on the street in situations where individuals, especially women, are victims of assaults. Among the tips, it is emphasized that passers-by should come to the rescue instead of remaining as mere observers. Additionally, reporting any form of violence witnessed can certainly contribute to a sense of security. During 2021 and 2022, social networks were flooded with the hashtag #Nisamprijavila, which was used by girls and women to highlight how often they encounter mistrust and the absence of adequate help as victims of violence. Although women and girls in BiH and beyond continuously emphasize the importance of protecting women who are increasingly victims of various attacks, there is an evident need for action at all levels to take this problem more seriously.
“I want them to react if a woman is in some kind of trouble in public. The problem is that most people don’t do anything in such situations.” – anonymous answer
The next answer, but no less important, is better street lighting. In addition to providing help when it is noticeable that it is needed, women in BiH also believe that the authorities can contribute to a better sense of security for women in their local communities by better lighting, especially in smaller streets. The company Google is reportedly working on something new – marking streets with adequate street lighting when using Google Maps so that users can avoid dark and unfamiliar streets. Waiting on help from international companies and as long as BiH citizens have to rely on advice like “avoid dark streets” to avoid a possible attack, it is imperative to highlight the urgent need for timely action.
“It is necessary to request that all streets have lighting because attacks happen more often in dark places.” – anonymous answer
Finally, our fellow citizens/women in BiH emphasize the importance of education, which should start at the youngest age. More precisely, through upbringing and school education, children and young people should recognize the importance and importance of helping others. In addition, it is necessary to point out the important role in the prevention of violence. In addition to the education and upbringing of young people, the importance of additional education for police officers is emphasized. During 2022, training for police officers on the implementation of protective measures and the provision of immediate protection for women who survive domestic violence was also carried out. Necessary steps are being taken in the additional education of security sector representatives, which certainly needs to be continuously worked on. Campaigns in schools throughout BiH contribute to this, with a clear message – stop the violence.
“It is also necessary to raise children so that they do not become the ones who commit violence, and that they fight for themselves as victims of violence. The advice is to enroll children in martial arts, and to work on self-confidence.” – anonymous answer
We are grateful for Canada’s contribution to this project through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives.
The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Canada.