(For English language, please see below)

Tokom 10. i 11. decembra 2020. godine, u Konjicu je održan prvi trening za trenere/ice iz oblasti rodne ravnopravnosti u policijskim strukturama u BiH, na kojem su učestvovali službenici/e iz cijele BiH. Trening je organiziran u okviru projekta „Policija i poštivanje ljudskih prava u BiH“, kojeg finansira Evropska unija.

Cilj treninga bio je podizanje svijesti o rodnoj ravnopravnosti u policijskim strukturama u BiH, s fokusom na upoznavanje polaznika/ca s trenutnom situacijom u državi po ovom pitanju, odnosno ukazivanje na problem podzastupljensti žena uopće, a posebno na višim i rukovodećim pozicijama.

U okviru četiri modula obrađen je rodni koncept i rodne uloge, stereotipi i predrasude, te pitanja diskriminacije s fokusom na diskriminaciju na osnovu spola i seksualno uznemiravanje. Također, obrađen je domaći i međunarodni zakonski okvir, te postojeći mehanizmi za ostvarivanje ravnopravnosti spolova i za zaštitu od diskriminacije. Tokom završnog modula realizirana je vježba u okviru koje su svi polaznici/ce prezentirali zadužene teme i demonstrirali stečeno znanje i prezentacijske vještine. Trening je ocijenjen višestruko korisnim kako od polaznika/ca, tako i organizatora, a na osnovu procjene znanja iz ulaznih i izlaznih testova, evidentno je da su polaznici/e savladali pređenu problematiku. Po okončanju treninga, uručeni su ima certifikati trenera/ica.

Program treninga je razvilo Udruženje „Mreža policijskih službenica“ iz Sarajeva, na bazi dobrih iskustava programa realiziranih u okviru Državne agencije za istrage i zaštitu (SIPA), a koji je prilagođen i za druge policijske agencije. U narednom periodu slijedi organizacija još jednog treninga, izrada i promocija Priručnika za trenere/ice. Projekat će pokrenuti i inicijative za uvrštavanje edukacije na temu rodne ravnopravnosti kao obavezne u godišnje planove i programe edukacije u policijskim strukturama, kako bi se osiguralo da svi zaposleni prisustvuju istim.

Projekat „Policija i poštivanje ljudskih prava u BiH“ finansira Evropska unija, a zajednički ga sprovode Centar za sigurnosne studije iz Sarajeva, Udruženje „Mreža policijskih službenica“ iz Sarajeva, te Ženevski centar za upravljanje sigurnosnim sektorom (DCAF). Projekat je započeo s realizacijom u januaru 2020. godine, dok je predviđeno vrijeme njegove implementacije 20 mjeseci. Cilj je osnažiti poštivanje ljudskih prava unutar policijskih agencija te prilikom primjene policijskih ovlaštenja, kao i unaprijediti ravnopravnost spolova u policijskim agencijama. Stoga i treninzi ovog tipa, u okviru kojih će se, kroz edukaciju trenera i trenerica, osigurati više unutrašnjih kapaciteta policijskih agencija za edukacije na temu ravnopravnosti spolova i diskriminacije na osnovu spola. Cilj je da se kroz dva treninga educira ukupno 50 osoba.

The first training on gender equality in the police was held

During December 10 and 11, 2020, the first training for female and male trainers in the field of gender equality in police structures in BiH was held in Konjic. The training was attended by female and male officials from all over BiH. The training was organized within the project “The police and the respect for human rights in BiH“, funded by the European Union.

The aim of the training was to raise awareness of gender equality in police structures in BiH, with a focus on introducing participants to the current situation in the country on this issue, and pointing out the problem of underrepresentation of women in general, and especially in senior and managerial positions.

Within four modules, the gender concept, gender roles, stereotypes and prejudices, and issues of discrimination with a focus on gender discrimination and sexual harassment were addressed. Also, the domestic and international legal framework was discussed, as well as the existing mechanisms for achieving gender equality and protection against discrimination. During the final module, an exercise within which all participants presented the topics in question and demonstrated the acquired knowledge and presentation skills was realized . The training was assessed as very useful by both the participants and the organizers, and based on the assessment of knowledge from the entry and exit tests criteria, it is evident that the participants have mastered the issues covered. At the end of the training, the certificates for the trainers were handed to them.

The training program was developed by the the “Police women’s network” Association from Sarajevo, based on good experiences of programs implemented within the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), which is also adapted for other police agencies. In the following period, another training will be organized, and a Handbook for the Trainers will be developed and promoted. The project will also launch initiatives to include education on gender equality as mandatory in annual training plans and programs in police structures, in order to ensure that all employees attend it.

The project “The police and the respect for human rights in BiH” is funded by the European Union, and is jointly implemented by the Centre for Security Studies from Sarajevo, the “Police women’s network” Association from Sarajevo, and the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF). The project started with the realization in January 2020, while the estimated time of its implementation is 20 months. The aim of the project is to strengthen respect for human rights within police agencies, and when using of police powers, as well as to promote gender equality in police agencies. Trainings of this type, will provide more internal capacities of police agencies for education on the topic of gender equality and discrimination based on gender. The goal is to educate a total of 50 people through two trainings.