(For English, please see below)
Od 23. do 25. septembra, na Jahorini, održan je trodnevni trening o metodi „horizont skeniranja“ u kontekstu suprotstavljanja organiziranom kriminalu (OK). Trening je organizovan u okviru projekta “Procjena budućih trendova organizovanog kriminala u BiH – OCASSESS BiH“.
Treningu su prisustvovali visoko rangirani policijski službenici i predstavnici drugih relevantnih institucija u BiH. Prvi dan obuke započeo je pozdravnim govorom predsjednika CSS-a, gospodina Denisa Hadžovića, koji je dao kratak pregled trenutnog stanja u BiH u vezi sa OK. Također, ukazao je na porast OK-a na globalnom nivou, kao i upotrebu modernih tehnologija i brzu evoluciju koju su donijele OK-u. Ostatak prvog dana, imali smo zadovoljstvo učiti od konsultanta iz Nizozemske o globalnim trendovima u OK-u i kako možemo unaprijediti naše vještine strateškog predviđanja i predvidjeti buduće razvojne tokove u OK-u. Strateško predviđanje je alat kojeg koriste sigurnosne i obavještajne agencije kako bi identificirale prijetnje, izbjegle iznenađenja i anticipirale buduće scenarije.
Drugi dan obuke bio je posvećen specifičnoj metodologiji strateškog predviđanja pod nazivom “horizont skeniranje” (HS). HS je korisna metoda koja se koristi za kalkulisanje mogućnosti budućih događaja u ciljanom polju. Učesnici treninga brzo su uočili prednosti koje ova metoda može donijeti. Konsultant je detaljno objasnio metodologiju te objasnio kako se HS implementira u različitim fazama ciklusa politike. Nakon opsežnog objašnjenja, učesnici su imali priliku razgovarati o raznim problemima s kojima su se susretali u svojim profesijama, a konsultant je dao kvalitetan uvid o tome kako mogu riješiti i predvidjeti buduće probleme.
Treći dan bio je i najintenzivniji, jer je bio posvećen grupnoj vježbi u kojoj su učesnici bili podijeljeni u četiri grupe, sa zadatkom da urade ciljani HS (procjena razvoja OK) u određenim zemljama (Albanija, Crna Gora, Nizozemska i Njemačka) za narednih deset godina. Sa znanjem stečenim na treningu, učesnici su uspjeli uraditi preliminarni HS u kratkom vremenskom periodu. Sa prezentacijama HS-ova, trodnevni trening je uspješno završen.
Zahvaljujemo Kraljevini Nizozemskoj na podršci projektu OCASSESS BiH, kojim doprinose sigurnosti naše zemlje, društva i građana.
Ako želite više informacija o našem projektu, slobodno nas kontaktirajte putem e-pošte: info@css.ba; telefon: +387(0)33262456, a implementaciju možete pratiti putem web stranice: www.css.ba i korištenjem hashtagova #CSSBiH #OCASESSBiH na društvenim mrežama.
Ovaj projekat finansira Vlada Kraljevine Nizozemske kroz MATRA program. Sadržaj je odgovornost Centra za sigurnosne studije i ne odražava nužno stavove Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Nizozemske.
OCASSESS BiH Project: Horizon Scanning Training Held
From September 23 to 25, a three-day training on the “horizon scanning” method in the context of countering organized crime (OC) was held on Mount Jahorina. The training was organized within the project “Assessment of Future Trends in Organized Crime in BiH – OCASSESS BiH“.
The training was attended by high-ranking police officers and representatives of other relevant institutions in BiH. The first day of the training began with a welcome speech by the President of the CSS, Mr. Denis Hadžović, who gave a brief overview of the current situation in BiH regarding OC. He also pointed out the global rise in OC, as well as the use of modern technologies and the rapid evolution they have brought to OC. For the remainder of the first day, we had the pleasure of learning from a consultant from the Netherlands about global trends in OC and how we can improve our strategic foresight skills to predict future developments in OC. Strategic foresight is a tool used by security and intelligence agencies to identify threats, avoid surprises, and anticipate future scenarios.
The second day of training was dedicated to the specific strategic foresight methodology called “horizon scanning” (HS). HS is a useful method used to calculate the likelihood of future events in a targeted field. The participants of the training quickly recognized the benefits that this method can bring. The consultant thoroughly explained the methodology and how HS is implemented at different stages of the policy cycle. After an extensive explanation, participants had the opportunity to discuss various issues they encountered in their professions, and the consultant provided valuable insights on how they could address and predict future problems.
The third day was the most intense, as it was dedicated to a group exercise in which participants were divided into four groups with the task of conducting a targeted HS (assessment of OC developments) in specific countries (Albania, Montenegro, the Netherlands, and Germany) for the next ten years. With the knowledge gained from the training, the participants successfully conducted a preliminary HS in a short period. With the presentations of the HS results, the three-day training concluded successfully.
We are thankful to the Kingdom of the Netherlands for their support of the OCASSESS BiH by which they contribute to the security of our state, society, and its citizens.
If you would like more information about our project, please kindly contact us via email: info@css.ba; phone: +387(0)33262456, and you can follow its implementation through the website: www.css.ba and by using the hashtags #CSSBiH #OCASESSBiH on social media.
This project is financed by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands through the MATRA program. The content is the responsibility of the Centre for Security Studies and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.