(For English, please see below)
Konferenciju je organizirao koordinator projekta, Institut za vanjske poslove i trgovinu (Mađarska), 26. aprila 2018. godine u okviru projekta kojeg finansira Međunarodni Višegrad Fond.
Na konferenciji su se okupili eksperti iz zemalja V4 (Mađarska, Slovačka, Češka i Poljska) i Zapadnog Balkana s ciljem razmatranja fenomena stranih boraca, s posebnim osvrtom na specifičnosti država koje su obuhvaćene projektom. U ime Centra za sigurnosne studije, jedne od partnerskih organizacija iz zemalja Zapadnog Balkana u projektu, konferenciji je prisustvovao gospodin Sanjin Hamidičević. Partneri ove inicijative iz zemalja V4 su Varšavski institut za strateške studije (Poljska), Slovačko udruženje za spoljnu politiku i Evropski institut za evropsku politiku (Češka), a iz zemalja Zapadnog Balkana, pored Centra za sigurnosne studije, Beogradski centar za bezbednosnu politiku (Srbija), Centar za demokratsku tranziciju (Crna Gora), Kosovski centar za sigurnosne studije i Alumni Marshal Centar Makedonija.
Učesnici konferencije su razmatrali različite aspekte fenomena stranih boraca, uključujući prisutne trendove, propagandu i vrbovanje u cyber prostoru, pristup EU navedenoj problematici, konflikte (Sirija/Irak, Ukrajina) te mjere koje su poduzete u zemljama s ciljem reduciranja broja stranih ratnika i postupanja sa povratnicima. Također, eksperti su skrenuli pažnju na promjenljivu dinamiku odlazaka na strana ratišta, u zavisnosti od faza i međunarodnog konteksta sukoba, kao i na razlike u primjeni krivičnog zakonodavstva koje bi mogle imati dalje implikacije na region Zapadnog Balkana.
The Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (Hungary), project coordinator, organized the conference within the project funded by the International Visegrad Fund on 26 April 2018.
The conference brought together experts from the V4 (Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia and Poland) and the Western Balkan countries in order to analyse the foreign fighter phenomenon, with particular reference to the specificities of the countries covered by the project. On behalf of the Centre for Security Studies, one of the partner organizations from the Western Balkan countries, the conference was attended by Mr. Sanjin Hamidicevic. The partners of the initiative from V4 countries are Warsaw Institute for Strategic Studies (Poland), Slovak Foreign Policy Association and the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy (Czechia), and from the Western Balkans, besides the Centre for Security Studies, partners are the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (Serbia), Center for Democratic Transition (Montenegro), Kosovar Centre for Security Studies and Alumni Marshall Center Macedonia.
The conference attendees covered various aspects of the foreign fighters phenomenon, including recent trends, propaganda and recruiting in the cyber domain, EU approach to the issue, conflicts (Syria/Iraq, Ukraine) and the measures that were put in place in the countries to reduce the number of foreign fighters and to manage the challenges related to returnees. Also, the experts drew attention to the changing dynamics of departures to the foreign battlefields depending on the phases and international context of the conflicts in concern and the discrepancies in the application of criminal code that might have further implications for the Western Balkan region.