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U utorak, 15. marta 2016. godine, održana je radionica „Praktična iskustva primjene novog Zakona o javnim nabavkama BiH u sektoru sigurnosti“. Radionica je organizovana u sklopu projekta „Izgradnja integriteta i jačanje anti-korupcijskih praksi u sektoru sigurnosti – ACroSS“ koji finansijski podržava Evropska unija. Cilj održavanja radionce je bio da se stvori uvid u iskustva primjene novih zakonskih odredbi, koje se implementiraju od 28. novembra 2014. godine.

U uvodnim izlaganjima prisutnima su se obratili Denis Hadžović, generalni sekretar Centra za sigurnosne studije, Sead Lisak, direktor Agencije za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije, te Đinita Fočo, direktor Agencije za javne nabavke.

Gosp. Hadžović je istakao da je sektor sigurnosti veliki kozument javnih sredstava, te da je to jedan od razloga zbog kojih postoji veliki interes javnosti i civilnog društva za to kako se ta sredstva troše. Također je istakao da će kroz podnošenje aplikacije za članstvo u Evropsku uniju doći do aktualiziranja nomativnih odredbi u oblasti javnih nabavki, jer je to živ proces gdje je Evropska unija od donošenja zakona već donijela nove direktive u ovoj oblasti. Generalni sekretar Centra za sigurnosne studije je pozvao učesnike da radionicu smatraju forumom na kojem se otvoreno može pričati o uočenim problemima, te o tome da li je novi Zakon ispunio očekivanja onih koji su u najbližem dodiru sa Zakonom.

Direktor Agencije za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije, gosp. Sead Lisak, je istakao da sektor sigurnosti nije ništa manje izložen korupciji u odnosu na druge sektore. Prema njegovim riječima, korupcija ne poznaje granice i ne postoji sektor imun na nju. No, da javnost traži veću odgovornost od sektora sigurnosti zbog specifičnosti samog sektora.

Gospođa Đinita Fočo, direktorica Agencije za javne nabavke, je naglasila da je rad u ovom polju kao borba sa vjetrenjačama, posebno uzimajući u obzir česte medijske naslove kojima je izloženo kritikama. Gđa. Fočo je istaknula da je novi zakon neke stvari popravio, dok su neke ostale iste, tj. loše. Također, smatra da je bitno da se naglasi da je Zakon o javnim nabavkama procesni zakon, odnosno zakon koji uređuje tok postupka, te da je na institucijama da kroz interne akte urede određene aspekte, kao što je utvrđivanje šta predstavlja ‘tajno’ u javnim nabavkama.

U nastavku radionice, predstavnici institucija sektora sigurnosti su predstavljali svoja iskustva u primjeni Zakona o javnim nabavkama, gdje je uočeno da se problemi s kojima se suočavaju u mnogo toga podudaraju. Istaknuti problemi i ponuđena rješenja će biti prezentovani na narednoj radionici, kako bi proces javnih nabavki u sektoru sigurnosti postao još više transparentan, te što manje podložan koruptivnim aktivnostima.


Workshop within the project ACroSS


A workshop “Practical experience of the New Law on Public Procurement in the Security Sector” was held on Tuesday, March 15 2016.  The workshop was organized within the project “Integrity Building and Strengthening Anti-Corruption Practices in the Security Sector – ACroSS”, which is financially supported by the European Union. The purpose of holding the workshop was to create an insight into the experience of applying the new legislation, which is implemented since November 28th 2014.

In the opening remarks, participants were addressed by Denis Hadžović, Secretary  General of the Centre for Security Studies, Sead Lisak, Director of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight Against Corruption and Đinita Fočo, Director of the Public Procurement Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mr. Hadžović emphasized the fact that the security sector is a large consumer of public funds, and that this is one of the reasons why there is a great interest of the public and civil society on how those funds are spent. He also pointed out that through the submission of the application for membership in the European Union, the updating of normative provisions in the area of public procurement will occur, because it is an active process where the European Union, since the adoption of the Law has already passed new directives in this area. The Secretary General of the Centre for Security Studies has invited the participants to consider the Workshop as Forum, where one can speak openly about the problems identified, and whether the new Law has met the expectations of those who are in closest contact with the Law.

The Director of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight Against Corruption, Mr. Sead Lisak, emphasized that the security sector is not any less exposed to corruption than other sectors. According to him, corruption does not recognize boundaries and there is no sector that is immune to it. However, the public demands greater accountability from the security sector due to the specifics of the sector.

Ms. Đinita Fočo, Director of the Public Procurement Agency of BiH, stressed that the work in this field is like fighting windmills, especially taking into account the frequent media headlines in which it is subject to criticism. Ms. Fočo pointed out that the new Law improved certain things, while some remained the same, ie. bad. She also thinks that is important to emphasize that the Law on Public Procurement is the procedural law, ie. the law governing the course of the proceedings, and that the institutions themselves should, through the internal documents regulate certain aspects, such as determining what constitutes as ‘confidential’ in public procurement .

In continuation of the Workshop, the representatives of security sector institutions presented their experiences in the implementation of the Law on Public Procurement, where it was observed that the problems faced are the same. Featured problems and offered solutions will be presented at the next workshop, with the aim to make the public procurement process in the security sector more transparent and less susceptible to corruptive activities