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Centar za sigurnosne studije u saradnji s Odborom za žalbe građana na rad policijskih službenika u policijskim tijelima BiH, te Ženevskim centrom za demokratsku kontrolu oružanih snaga, organizovao je 7. decembra 2015.godine stručnu debatu na temu “Jačanje policijske odgovornosti i integriteta: Procedure za postupanje u odnosu na pritužbe građana na rad policijskih službenika”. Stručna debata je organizovana u sklopu projekta “Poticanje policijskog integriteta kroz građansku kontrolu”.
Cilj stručne debate je bio da se predstave postojeće prakse i procedure neovisnih tijela u odnosu na pritužbe građana na rad policijskih službenika u Bosni i Hercegovini u svijetlu novih sigurnosnih izazova vezanih za migracije, radikalizaciju ekstremnog nasilja i terorizam, te nove pojavne oblike organizovanog i prekograničnog kriminala. Jedna od bitnih pretpostavki odgovornosti i integriteta policijskih struktura odnosi se i na povjerenje građana u njihov rad, koji se najočitije manifestira u odnosu na kršenja individualnih prava građana i mogućnost da se njihove eventualne pritužbe na rad policijskih službenika procesuiraju na neovisan i profesionalan način. Ujednačavanje prakse i procedura postojećih policijskih struktura, veoma je bitan aspekt u ostvarivanju jednakosti građana na čitavom prostoru Bosne i Hercegovine. Harmonizirane procedure u značajnoj mjeri bi olakšale rad unutrašnjih i vanjskih aktera u čijoj je nadležnosti postupanje po pritužbama građana na rad policijskih službenika.
Tokom debate predstavljene su posjete Odbora za žalbe građana na rad policijskih službenika u policijskim tijelima BiH određenim jedinicama Granične Policije BiH, kao primjer proaktivnog djelovanja nezavisnih tijela.
Učesnici debate su predstavili procedure postupanja po žalbi građana u raznim policijskim agencijama u BiH, kao i ključne probleme s kojima se policijski službenici i policijske jedinice susreću. Glavni identificirani problemi su ‘Kako povećati povjerenje građana u policiju?’, te ‘Na koji način upoznati građane sa mogućnosti pritužbe na rad policijskih službenika?’.
Jednoglasno usvojeni zaključci debate pružaju osnov za rješavanje identificiranih problema od strane institucija, kao i od strane civilnog društva.
Expert debate on the topic “Strengthening police accountability and integrity: Procedures for handling citizens’ complaints on the work of police officers“
The Centre for Security Studies in cooperation with the Citizens’ Complaints Board on the Work of Police Officers in Bosnia Herzegovina, and the Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, organized on 7 December 2015 an expert debate on the topic “Strengthening police accountability and integrity: Procedures for handling citizens’ complaints on the work of police officers”. The debate was organized within the project “Fostering Police Integrity through Civilian Oversight”.
The aim of the expert debate was to present current practices and procedures of independent bodies in relation to citizens’ complaints about the work of police officers in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the light of new security challenges related to migration, radicalization of extreme violence and terrorism, and new forms of organized and cross-border crime. One of the essential prerequisites of accountability and integrity of the police structure refers to the citizens’ trust in their work, which is most clearly manifested in relation to the violation of individual rights of citizens and the possibility that any complaints about the work of police officers are processed in an independent and professional manner. Harmonizing the practices and procedures of the existing police structures, is a very important aspect in achieving equality of citizens on the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The harmonized procedures significantly facilitate the work of internal and external actors in charge of the handling public complaints against police officers.
During the debate, the visit of the Citizens’ Complaints Board on the Work of Police Officers in Bosnia Herzegovina to selected units of the BiH Border Police was presented as an example of proactive work of independent bodies.
Participants in the debate presented procedures for handling citizens’ complaints in various police agencies in BiH, as well as key problems that the police officers and police units are faced with. The main problems identified are ‘How to increase citizens’ trust in police?’ And ‘How to introduce the citizens with the possibility of complaints against police officers?’.
The unanimously adopted conclusions of the debate provide a basis for the institutions, as well as the civil society, to address the problems identified.