(for English, please see below)

U četvrtak, 19. aprila 2018. godine Centar za sigurnosne studije (CSS) je održao javne konsultacije na temu “Nadzor nad radom sektora policije u Bosni i Hercegovini” u hotelu City u Mostaru. Javne konsultacije su organizovane u okviru projekta “Puls integriteta i povjerenja u policiju na Zapadnom Balkanu” koji finansijski podržava Evropska unija.

Predmetnom događaju prisustvovali su predstavnici parlamentarnih komisija, nezavisnih tijela, predstavnici policijskih institucija kao i predstavnici međunarodnih organizacija i civilnog društva u BiH. Cilj predmetnog događaja je bio da se utvrdi na koji način je moguće poboljšati postojeći parlamentarni nadzor nad radom policije, unaprijediti ulogu nezavisnih tijela u ovoj oblasti i unaprijediti integritet policije u BiH.

Učesnicima su predstavljeni i ključni nalazi iz izvještaja o procjeni integriteta u oblasti vanjskog nadzora nad radom policije u BiH, transparentnosti rada nadzornih tijela te unutrašnje kontrole policije. Kao ključne slabosti u navedenim oblastima identifikovani su nepostojanje zakona o parlamentarnom nadzoru, nedovoljna nezavisnost te slaba kadrovska popunjenost unutrašnje kontrole policije.

Na osnovu održane diskusije, Centar za sigurnosne studije će u narednom periodu  izraditi i relevantne preporuke za unapređenje stanja u navedenim oblastima.

On Thursday, April 19, 2018, the Centre for Security Studies (CSS) held public consultations on the topic “Oversight over the work of Police Sector  in Bosnia and Herzegovina” at the Hotel City in Mostar. Public consultations were organized within the project “Western Balkans Pulse for Police Integrity and Trust: POINTPULS”, which is financially supported by the European Union.

The event was attended by representatives of parliamentary committees, independent oversight bodies, representatives of police institutions, as well as representatives of international organizations and civil society in BiH. The aim of the event was to determine how to improve existing parliamentary oversight of the police work, the role of independent bodies in this area as well as the integrity of the police in BiH.

Participants were introduced with key findings from the report on the assessment of integrity in the field of external oversight of police work in BiH, the transparency of the work of oversight bodies and internal police control. The lack of parliamentary oversight legislation, insufficient independence and poor staffing of internal police control has been identified as key weaknesses in these areas.

Based on a discussion held,  in the forthcoming period, the Centre for Security Studies will also make relevant recommendations for improving the situation in these areas.