Evaluation of the legal framework of the police sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The overall intention of the project is to conduct an analysis of the legal provisions of the existing police structures on all four of the different levels of government in BiH. This analysis would also contain review of previous efforts at cracking on with police reform, undertaken by a variety of international and national actors.
Moreover, this research would illustrate the possible overlap of functions and duties the different police agencies have under current legal policy framework. The duplication of jurisdiction, or an unclear mandate, could be identified as the root causes of inefficiency amongst the different police agencies in BiH in terms of carrying out their basic functions, and also presents the obstacle on the road of achieving EU set standards that would result in BiH being a fully fledged member of EU. Our goal is to find obstacles in legal framework of police structures in Bosnia and Herzegovina and advocate changes that have to be made in order to increase efficiency. The intricate set up of policing structures does create an impact on its overall functioning and efficiency, and at best, it just undermines its service delivery to the population of BiH, which is its core function.
Fostering Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in Western Balkans
The Report on Parliamentary Oversight of Security Sector (the Report) is the main product of the Cooperation Agreement between DCAF and the Associated Implementation Partner, as follows:
- Analytica from Macedonia;
- Centre for Security Studies from Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- Institut Alternativa from Montenegro; and
- Kosovar Centre for Security Studies from Kosovo.
The Report will be instrumental in the elaboration by DCAF of the yearly Monitoring and Evaluation Report on the Framework Project „Fostering Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector in Western Balkans.“ Also, the annual report will include four quarterly reports of associated implementation partner with an overview of the most important national events relevant to the democratic governance of the security sector in each of four country in Western Balkan.
The Report on Parliamentary Oversight of Security Sector will assess the performance of Parliament in the democratic oversight of security over the year 2012. The assessment will observe clear criteria, derived from the basic functions of a parliamentary institution (representation, legislation, oversight) and from the conditions that empower parliament to fulfil these basic functions (legal authority, institutional capacity and political will).
EUphoria se nastavlja
Projekt EUphoria2 provodi se uz financijsku potporu Europske unije kroz program IPA 2011., a traje od juna do decembra 2012.
Opći cilj projekta je povećati nivo znanja i svjesnosti mladih ljudi, građana, općinskih zvaničnika, medija, profesora i učitelja o procesu proširenja, kroz produbljivanje znanja i prihvaćanje vrijednosti i standarda EU koji utječu na svakidašnji život istih u slijedećim gradovima: Bihaću, Cazinu, Bosanskoj Krupi, Velikoj Kladuši, Bužimu, Bosanskom Petrovcu i Novom Gradu/Bosanskom Novom).
Specifični cilj projekta je podići svijest među mladima, građanim i lokalnim medijima, i povećati nivo protoka relevantnih informacija o EU, kroz organizovanje 14 događaja.
Ciljne grupe su:
• Općinski radnici;
• Organizacije civilnog društva;
• Lokalni mediji; i
• Učitelji u srednjim školama i profesori na fakultetima.
Glavne aktivnosti su:
1. Prezentacija projekta i uspostava partnerstva sa civilnim društvom,
2. Razvoj i održavanje javnih događaja, kroz udruživanje znanja i iskustava,
3. Javne promotivne kampanje – tokom projekta kampanja će promovirati planirane akcije, aktivnosti i rezultate.
Kampanja CSS-a i ITF-a „Budi svjestan ne rizikuj“ dobiva sve veću podršku
Kampanja CSS-a i ITF-a „Budi svjestan ne rizikuj“ dobiva sve veću podršku. Podršku kampanji dao je i Olimpik iz Sarajeva, najmlađi bosankohercegovački fudbalski klub Premijer lige BiH. Do kraja kampanje igrači Olimpika će na svojim treninzima i utakmicama putem dobivenog informativnog materijala promovirati glavne poruke kampanje.
Pridruži se timu. Pozovi 122, predaj ilegalno oružje.
„Ilegalno držanje oružja je krivično djelo“
Support to institutional building of PSOTC in increasing their capacities for smooth transition to local ownership
Project title ‘Support to institutional building of PSOTC in increasing their capacities for smooth transition to local ownership’ is supporting through the generous contribution of Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The main objective of the project is to strengthen PSOTC in their capacity building in order of facilitating a smooth transition from international to local ownership. The preparation of human resources is an important prerequisite for smooth transition and significant attention will be devoted to strengthening of their capacities. The specific objective of the project will be devoted to development of new modules/courses that are relevant to the PSO in order to explore the levels of local ownership and practice without international support.
“Territorial and border demarcation disputes in the Western Balkans”
In cooperation with Saferworld and the People’s Peacemaking Perspectives (PPP), Centre for Security Studies is currently implementing a joint 18-month long project on border demarcation. The aim of the project is to gain peoples perspectives and opinions on the overall border demarcation processes, irrespective of the official attitudes.
This sort of a participatory approach has been advocated by the EU as a method of solving inter-state problems before becoming a member of EU structures. The partners of the project are Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP) from Serbia, Centre for Security Studies (CSS) from Montenegro and Forum for Civic Initiatives (FIQ) and Kosovar Centre from Security Studies (KCSS) from Kosovo. The project has been funded within the component for responses to crisis of the European Commission (EC) Instrument for Stability. The project shall include research and production of 18 analyses within a country/within a region and communication of these findings and recommendations to Brussels and to countries covered in the project.
Statistika medijskog izvještavanja o oružanom nasilju u BiH
Centar za sigurnosne studije u okviru kampanje „Budi svjestan ne rizikuj“ vrši periodični monitoring medijskih izvještaja o incidentima u kojima je korišteno vatreno oružje kao i posljedicama tih incidenta. Monitoringom pratimo trend kretanja oružanog nasilja, te efekat kampanje po pitanju ukupnog broja incidenata posebno u gradovima Sarajevu, Brčkom i Bijeljini.
U datim tabelama su prikazani incidenti i mjesta u kojima je korišteno oružje u periodu decembar 2010. – januar 2011. i u periodu juli – august 2011. Posmatrano sa stajališta ukupnog broja incidenata u posmatranom periodu možemo reći da se u periodu juli – august 2011. broj incidenta smanjio, dok je broj incidenta u kojim je korišteno oružje sa smrtnim ishodom ostao na istom nivou.
Sarajevo: „Zamjeni oružje košarkom“
Centar za sigurnosne studije i International Trust Fond iz Ljubljane su u decembru 2010. godine pokrenuli kampanju „Budi svjestan ne rizikuj“. U okviru kampanje organizovan je veliki broj događaj među kojima su i sportske revijalne igre „Zamjeni oružje košarkom“. Sportske revijalne igre „Zamjeni oružje košarkom“ održale su se u Sarajevu 30. septembra 2011. godine na Trgu djece Sarajeva br.1 ispred BBI Centra. Treba istaći da su igre privukle brojne posjetioce posebno mlade i roditelje, te su privukle i interesovanje medija. Tokom igara volonteri su podijelili informativne letke kampanje.
Kampanja je pokrenuta u cilju da se podigne svijest građana o posljedicama držanja ilegalnog oružja i potrebi da se ista predaju.
Igre su podržali Misija OSCE-a u BiH, K.K RealWay, općina Centar i BBI Centar.
Brčko: „Zamjeni oružje košarkom“
Center for Security Studies, supported by the International Trust Fund from Ljubljana and within the framework of information campaign “Budi svjestan, ne rizikuj”, organized a sport tournament in basketball “Zamjeni oružje košarkom” on August 25th, 2011, in Brčko. The tournament took place in front of the House of Culture and altogether 100 children participated in it. Many parents attended the games. The best participants were presented with symbolic awards, whereas informative-educative flyers were distributed within the walking zone.
One of primary goals of the campaign was to raise awareness on consequences of possession and use of illegal firearms and to prevent possession and use of illegal firearms by means of their surrender.
Bijeljina: „Zamjeni oružje košarkom“
Within the framework of information campaign „Budi svjestan, ne rizikuj“, implemented by CSS as part of the project of International Trust Fund from Ljubljana, a sport tournament in basketball titled „Zamjeni oružje košarkom“ was held on August 24th, 2011 in Bijeljina. Eight teams from Bijeljina, Ugljevik, Srebrenik and Zvornik with altogether 100 children, participated in the tournament. The tournament lasted one day and the best players were presented with symbolic awards.
One of primary goals of local level sport tournament was to raise awareness on the consequences of possession and use of illegal firearms, and especially risk-education of children on procedure and safety measures if they come in contact with illegal weapons.
Campaign: „Be aware, don’t risk“
Centre for Security Studies from Sarajevo in co-operation with International Trust Found from Ljubljana is conducting media campaign called “Be aware, don’t risk”. One of primary goals of this campaign is to raise awareness of citizens on consequences of holding illegal weapons and prevention of such consequences through surrendering illegal weapons. This campaign will be carried out from Decembre 2010 to Decembre 2011.
DOWNLOAD: Letak za kampanju pdf
The Civil Society Capacity Building to Map and Monitor Security Sector Reform in the Western Balkans
The Civil Society Capacity Building to Map and Monitor SSR in the WB project aims:
The project’s main goal is to increase the capacity of the civil society in the Western Balkan region to effectively oversee security sector reform both on the national level, and through a cooperation network on the regional level. The goal of the project is also to promote cooperation between regional civil society actors and improve regional transparency of SSR processes in neighboring countries. Within the project, the main activities focus on bringing together different researchers in a series of gatherings and workshops, where they discuss the methodological issues and cooperation. The project is funded by the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway.
In the realization of the project are include seven partners organization from the region;
1. Analytica from Macedonia;
2. Centre for Belgrade Centre for Security Policy from Serbia;
3. Centre for Democracy and Human Rights from Montenegro;
4. Centre for Security Studies from Bosnia and Herzegovina;
5. Institute for Democracy and Mediation from Albania;
6. Institute for International Relations from Croatia; and
7. Kosovar Centre for Security Studies from Kosovo.
Core and Institutional Support in the Western Balkan
The purpose of the grant from Foundation Open Society Institute (OSI-ZUG) is to further development of the Centre for Security Studies as the research institute and think tank. With this support CSS will provide independent advices and policy analyses to the governments, extend their work on human security and promote democratic processes in security policy. The duration of the project is three years, with annual renewing.
Support to EU Info Centers in Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Mostar, Tuzla and Brcko – Follow up
Centre for Security Studies, as the partner organization of Centre for Civil Society, Kyodo with support from Delegation of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina are implementing a project towards development and strengthening of the public debate on the EU accession in Bosnia and Herzegovina, The overall objective of the project is to ensure that B&H’s public, civil society and government actors become and remain supportive of B&H’s EU integration/accession process, by fostering and informing dialogue and debate that shall facilitate the country’s progress towards EU membership. Specific objectives of the project are: a) provide info about the EU and accession process to the BiH citizens and local and regional governments, civil society organizations, academic community; provide forum for debates on EU accession issues, conduct polling surveys on EU accession related issues. The EU Info Centre in Sarajevo is located in the building of Municipality Stari Grad, Street Zelenih beretki No. 4, contact 033 206 640 www.euroinfocentar.ba
Security Transitions in the Western Balkans – From Conflict Zone to Security Community?
The project under the auspices of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) aims to enhance regional cooperation and exchange knowledge between researchers from different countries in the region, as well as to strengthen through activities capacity of research organizations from the Western Balkans. This project, looking at the larger framework of transformation of the Western Balkans, will examine these strategic priorities of the Western Balkans region, by studying how the processes of democracy- and institution- building and regional cooperation contribute to the region’s transformation from a conflict zone towards a security community. For the purpose of implementation of the project the following organizations will create The Western Balkan Research Consortium;
1. Centre for Belgrade Centre for Security Policy from Serbia;
2. Analytica from Macedonia;
3. Centre for Democracy and Human Rights from Montenegro;
4. Centre for Security Studies from Bosnia and Herzegovina;
5. Institute for International Relations from Croatia;
6. Institute for Democracy and Mediation from Albania and
7. Kosovar Centre for Security Studies from Kosovo.