(For English language, please see below)
Da li su ocjene demokratskog razvoja Bosne i Hercegovine u porastu ili opadanju? Kako Predstavnički dom i Dom naroda Parlamenta Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine vrše nadzor? Koja je razlika između Narodne skupštine Republike Srpske i Vijeća naroda u Republici Srpskoj? Publikacije ispod pružaju odgovore na ova pitanja i mnoga druga u jednom brzom pregledu.
Publikacije su dio BIHOS projekta koji ima za cilj jačanje demokratskog upravljanja i inkluzivnog nadzora sektora sigurnosti u Bosni i Hercegovini. BIHOS implementiraju Centar za evropske sigurnosne studije (CESS) iz Kraljevine Nizozemske, Centar za sigurnosne studije (CSS) i Evropski defendologija centar (EDC) iz Bosne i Hercegovine, a finansira Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Nizozemske.
BIHOS: The basics of democratic security sector oversight in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Are Bosnia and Herzegovina’s democratic development scores up or down? How do the House of Representatives and House of People of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina exercise oversight? What is the difference between the National Assembly and the Council of Peoples in the Republika Srpska? These three backgrounders – state level and entity level – offer answers to these questions and many more in one quick glance.
The backgrounders are part of the BIHOS project that seeks to strengthen democratic governance and inclusive oversight of the security sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. BIHOS is implemented by the Centre for European Security Studies (CESS) from the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Centre for Security Studies (CSS), and the European Defendology Center (EDC) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.