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Regionalna mreža organizacija civilnog društva POINTPULS organizuje panel diskusiju „Žene u policiji: slučaj Zapadni Balkan“ koja će biti održana na Međunarodni dan žena, u utorak, 8. marta sa početkom u 10 sati u Medija centru u Beogradu (Terazije 3)
Cilj panel diskusije je podsticanje dijaloga o izazovima u radu žena u policijskim službama na zapadnom Balkanu.
Glavne teme diskusije:
- Koliko su žene zastupljene u policiji i koje poslove pretežno obavljaju?
- Na koji načine podstaknuti žene da izaberu karijeru u policiji?
- Koji su glavni izazovi za napredovanje žena u policiji i da li postoji institucionalni okvir koji reguliše položaj žena u policiji?
Na skupu će govoriti:
- Andreja Bogdanovski, istraživač, Analitika, Skoplje;
- Aurelija Djan, istraživačica, Beogradski centar za bezbednosnu politiku (BCBP);
- Mirela Hodović, istraživačica, Centar za sigurnosne studije (CSS), Sarajevo;
- Dina Bajramspahić, istraživačica, Institut Alternativa (IA), Podgorica;
- Sotiraq Hroni, izvršni direktor, Institut za demokratiju i medijaciju, Tirana;
- Plator Avdiu, istraživač, Kosovski centar za bezbednosne studije (KCSS), Priština.
Moderatorka panel diskusije biće Jelena Zorić, novinarka regionalne televizije N1.
Radni jezici panel diskusije su bosanski, srpski, crnogorski i engleski jezik. Simultani prevod je obezbjeđen.
Panel diskusija je zajednička inicijativa regionalne mreže organizacija civilnog društva POINTPULS čiji rad podržava Evropska unija kroz regionalni program „Podsticanje civilnog društva“. Za sadržaj projekta odgovorni su isključivo članovi POINTPULS mreže i iskazani stavovi nisu nužno stavovi EU.
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Regional network of civil society organizations POINTPULSE is organizing a panel “Women in Police: Perspectives from the Western Balkans” that will be held on the International Women’s Day, Tuesday, 8 March, at 10h in the Media Centre in Belgrade (Terazije 3).
The aim of the event is to encourage discussion on addressing gender issue within law enforcement agencies in the Western Balkans.
These questions that will be address at the event:
- To what extent are women represented in police service, and which ranks and tasks women usually have?
- What are good practices for attracting women to choose police career?
- What are main challenges for women in career development and is there any institutional framework for addressing gender issue within police?
- Andreja Bogdanovski, Researcher, Analytica from Skopje;
- Aurelija Djan, Researcher, Belgrade Centre for Security Policy;
- Mirela Hodović, Researcher, Centre for Security Studies from Sarajevo;
- Dina Bajramspahić, Public Policy Researcher, Institute Alternative from Podgorica;
- Sotiraq Hroni, Executive Director, Institute for Democracy and Mediation from Tirana;
- Plator Avdiu, Researcher, Kosovo Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) from Pristina.
Moderator will be Jelena Zorić, Journalist from the regional television N1.
The discussion will be held in Bosnian, Serbian, Montenegrin and English language. Simultaneous translation will be provided.
Panel discussion is organized within project “Western Balkans Pulse for Police Integrity and Trust (POINTPULSE)”, supported by the EU Union via Civil Society Facility Programme. The contents of this project are the sole responsibility of the POINTPULSE network and views expressed are not necessarily those of the EU.
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