(for English, please see below)

Centar za sigurnosne studije u saradnji sa švicarskim Centrom za humanitarni dijalog, u periodu od 04-09. jula 2017. godine, organizuje posjetu visokih političkih i vojnih zvaničnika Mijanmara, koji su neposredni akteri mirovnog procesa koji se vodi u toj zemlji jugoistočne Azije. Cilj posjete Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH) je upoznavanje njihove delegacije sa iskustvima naše zemlje u pogledu implementacije mirovnog sporazuma i pitanjima refome sektora sigurnosti.

Tokom niza predviđenih susreta, gosti iz Mijanmara će biti u prilici da se, u neposrednom kontaktu s predstavnicima institucija, zvaničnicima i akterima mirovnog procesa iz BiH, informišu o ključnim izazovima i uspjesima izgradnje države i političkog sistema BiH, kao i tranziciji sigurnosnog sektora u postkonfliktnom periodu.

Navedena posjeta predstavlja još jedan doprins Centra za sigurnosne studije i nadležnih institucija u jačanju vanjskopolitičke pozicije i poboljšanju imidža BiH u sferi međunarodnih odnosa te mogućnost za dodatno predstavljanje BiH kao odgovornog međunarodnog subjekta koji pruža aktivan doprinos izgradnji svjetskog mira i sigurnosti.

The Centre for Security Studies in cooperation with the Swiss Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, in the period from 04-09 of July 2017, is organizing a visit of high-ranking political and military officials of Myanmar, who are the immediate actors of the peace process that takes place in that Southeast Asian country. The aim of the visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina is to familiarize their delegation with the experiences of our country regarding the implementation of the peace agreement and the issues of the security sector reform.

In direct contact with representatives of institutions, officials and actors of the BiH peace process, guests from Myanmar will be able to get acquainted with the key challenges and successes of the BiH state and political system building as well as the security sector transition in the post-conflict period.

This visit is another contribution of the Centre for Security Studies and relevant institutions to strengthening the foreign policy position and improving the image of BiH in the sphere of international relations, as well as the possibility for additional representation of BiH as a responsible international subject that provides an active contribution to the building of world peace and security.

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