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Centar za sigurnosne studije (CSS) predstavio je rezultate trećeg godišnjeg istraživanja javnog mnijenja o policiji u BiH i u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana. Prezentacija je održana u četvrtak, 14. septembra 2017. godine u hotelu Europe u Sarajevu. Predmetnom događaju prisustvovali su predstavnici policijskih institucija sa različitih nivoa u BiH, predstavnici međunarodnih organizacija i civilnog društva.
Prezentacija rezultata je realizirana u okviru projekta „Puls integriteta i povjerenja u policiju na Zapadnom Balkanu–POINTPULSE“, koji finansira Evropska unija. Mirela Hodović, projekt istraživačica Centra za sigurnosne studije pojasnila je da je implementacija ovog projekta počela u februaru 2015. godine sa ciljem da se doprinese povećanju povjerenja u policiju na zapadnom Balkanu promocijom odgovornog rada i jačanjem integriteta policije.
Potpredsjednik Centra za sigurnosne studije, dr Armin Kržalić je u u svom izlaganju ukazao da rezultati istraživanja javnog mnijenja u ovoj godini pokazuju pad povjerenja od 10 posto u svih 12 institucija u Bosni i Hercegovini. Naglasio je da su razlozi pada povjerenja u institucije zastoj evropskog puta BiH i svakodnevni obračun ljudi iz sigurnosnih institucija, pravosuđa i drugih institucija zakonodavnih vlasti. Također, Kržalić je istakao da građani najviše vjeruju institucijama obrazovanja i policiji, a najmanje parlamentu, tržišnim inspekcijama, tužilaštvu i sudovima. Prema ovom istraživanju, Kržalić je naveo da najviše povjerenja u policiju imaju građani Zeničko-dobojskog kantona, i da uglavnom policiji najviše vjeruju stariji ljudi preko 65 godina. Prikazani su i rezultati istraživanja percepcije policajki i policajaca, pri čemu građani policajke percipiraju kao ljubazne, komunikativne i prijateljski raspoložene a policajce kao podložne korupciji.
Mirela Hodović je u svom obraćanju istakla da dobijeni rezultati za zemlje Zapadnog Balkana pokazuju da u ovoj godini građani kao najpouzdanije institucije navode obrazovanje, policiju, zdravstvo i lokalnu samoupravu. Najmanje povjerenja građani Zapadnog Balkana imaju u parlament, sudove, tužilaštvo i tijela za borbu protiv korupcije. Hodović je također navela da je ovogodišnje istraživanje pokazalo da je korupcija u policiji prisutna u istoj mjeri kao i prošle godine te da se najkorumpiranijim smatraju saobraćajna i granična policija te stručne osobe u uredima ministara.
Results of the public opinion survey “Citizens’ attitudes about the police” presented
The Centre for Security Studies (CSS) presented the results of the third annual public opinion survey on police in BiH and in the Western Balkans. The presentation was held on Thursday, September 14th 2017 at the Hotel Europe in Sarajevo. The event was attended by representatives of police institutions from different levels in BiH, representatives of international organizations and the civil society.
The presentation of the results was realized within the project “Western Balkan Pulse for Police Integrity and Trust – POINTPULSE” funded by the European Union. Mirela Hodovic, a researcher at the Centre for Security Studies, explained that the implementation of this project began in February 2015 with the aim of increasing confidence in the police in the Western Balkans by promoting responsible work and strengthening the integrity of the police.
In his presentation, the Vice President of the Centre for Security Studies, Dr Armin Krzalic pointed out that the results of the public opinion survey this year show a 10% decline in the level of trust in all 12 institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He emphasized that the reasons for the decline in trust in the institutions is the stagnancy of the European path of BiH and the daily fights of persons from security institutions, judiciary and other institutions of the legislative authorities. Also, Krzalic pointed out that citizens have most of trust in education institutions and the police, and least trust in the parliament, market inspections, prosecutions and courts. According to this research, as Krzalic said, the highest level of trust in the police have the citizens of Zenica Doboj Canton, and that mostly persons older than 65 have trust in the police. The results of the survey on perception of male and female police officers were also presented, whereby the citizens perceived female police officers as kind, communicative and friendly, while they perceived male officers as prone to corruption.
Mirela Hodovic pointed out in her presentation that the given results from surveys conducted in the West Balkan countries show that in this year, citizens consider the education, police, health and local self-governance institutions as the most trusted ones. Citizen of the Western Balkan countries have least trust in the parliament, prosecution and institutions for corruption fight. Hodovic also pointed out that this years’ research showed that the corruption in the police is present in the same amount as last year, and that citizens perceive the traffic and corruption police as the most corrupted ones.