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Alijansa za evropske integracije (A4EU) danas je ambasadoru EU u BiH Lars-Gunnar Wigemarkuuručila izvještaj civilnog društva pod nazivom “Alternativni odgovori na 716 pitanja iz Upitnika Evropske komisije za BiH”. Odgovore su pripremile organizacije civilnog društva iz cijele zemlje, uz podršku Tehničke pomoći EU organizacijama civilnog društva u BiH (TACSO).
Ambasador Wigemark je pozdravio izvještaj, naglašavajući da on pokazuje da civilno društvo u BiH ozbiljno uzima proces integracije: “(U zemlji) je prisutna snažna podrška za integraciju u EU. Još uvijek postoje različita mišljenja o tome kako to I postići, ali mislim da možete biti sigurni da će se to dogoditi. To je proces koji traje, a stvari je lakše promijeniti prije ulaska u EU. ”
Duško Vučić iz A4UU je objasnio da je njihova kampanja imala za cilj podstaći organizacije civilnog društva, preduzetnike, akademike, aktiviste i medije na aktivno učestvovanje u procesu evropskih integracija. Preko 500 osoba iz 38 općina u BiH učestvovalo je u pripremi izvještaja putem web platforme i konsultacija održanih širom zemlje.
“Želimo da doprinesemo uključivanjem što većeg broja zainteresovanih strana – pojedinaca, organizacija, kompanija, medija, stručnjaka, svih nas – da učestvujemo u identifikaciji problema koji treba riješiti donošenjem novih zakona i u formulaciji tih zakona” saopštio je ovom prilikom Igor Stojanović, predstavnik A4EU.
Centar za sigurnosne studije je koordinator radne grupe “Vanjski odnosi” (poglavlja 30 i 31) i član radne grupe “Odgovornost” (poglavlja 5, 23 i 24).
The Alliance for EU Integration (A4EU) today presented the EU Ambassador to BiH Lars-Gunnar Wigemark with the civil society’s report titled “Alternative Responses to 716 Questions from the EC Questionnaire for BiH”. The responses were prepared by civil society organisations from the entire country, with the support of the EU’s Technical Assistance of the Civil Society Organisations in BiH (TACSO).
Ambassador Wigemark welcomed the report, stressing it shows that civil society in BiH is taking the integration process seriously: “A strong support for EU integration is present. There are still some disagreements on how to get there, how change will come about, but I think you can rest assured it will happen. It is an ongoing process and it is easier to change things before entering the EU.”
Dusko Vucic from the A4EU explained that their campaign aimed to encourage civil society organisations, entrepreneurs, academia, activists and media to actively participate in the EU integration process. Over 500 persons from 38 municipalities in BiH took part in the preparation of the report via the web platform and consultations were held across the country.
“We want to contribute by involving as many stakeholders as possible – individuals, organisations, companies, media, experts, all of us to do our part in identifying the problems that need to be solved by adopting new laws and in drafting these laws,” Igor Stojanovic, representatives of the A4EU, on the occasion.
The Centre for Security Studies is the coordinator of the working group “External relations” (chapters 30 and 31) and member of the working group “Responsability” (chapters 5, 23 and 34).
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