Procjena antikorupcijskih kapaciteta javnih nabavki u sektoru sigurnosti – Izvještaj za 2017. godinu / Audit on Anti-Corruption Capacities in Public Procurement in the Security Sector – Report for 2017

(For English, please see below)

Za uspješno rješavanje i borbu protiv korupcije, važno je da se uključe svi akteri društva, od institucija do pojedinaca. Značajno mjesto u toj borbi ima i civilno društvo.

Javne nabavke su prepoznate kao područje gdje postoji visok rizik od pojave korupcije, čime se ukazala potreba za eksternom evaluacijom antikoruptivnih kapaciteta institucija sigurnosnog sektora, posebno uzimajući u obzir specifičnost javnih nabavki u sigurnosnom sektoru – povjerljive nabavke.

U okviru projekta „Izgradnja integriteta i jačanje anti-korupcijskih praksi u sektoru sigurnosti – ACroSS“ koji finansira Evropska unija, Centar za sigurnosne studije je razvio metodologiju za procjenu otpornosti sigurnosnog sektora na korupciju u javnim nabavkama. Zajedno sa članovima ‘Konzorcija za podršku izgradnji integriteta i smanjenju korupcije u sigurnosnom sektoru’ (Evropski defendologija centar; Visoka škola „CEPS-Centar za poslovne studije“; Istraživački centar Banja Luka; Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Bihaću, Fakultet za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Udruženje za društveni razvoj i prevenciju kriminaliteta; Nova sigurnosna inicijativa), utvrđen je antikorupcioni indeks za institucije sektora sigurnosti BiH koristeći se navedenom metodologijom.

Prethodni izvještaj je prihvaćen od svih institucija sigurnosnog sektora, Agencije za javne nabavke te Ureda za reviziju institucija u BiH koji je izvještaj koristio kao referencu za izradu Izvještaja revizije učinka „Blagovremenost postupaka javnih nabavki u institucijama BiH“.

Ovogodišnji izvještaj obuhvata detaljnu analizu antikorupcijskih kapaciteta 22 institucije sigurnosnog sektora sa različitih nivoa vlasti. Na osnovu analitičkog rada i predodređenog indeksa korupcije (u rasponu od 1 do 5, gdje je 5 najviši mogući) utvrđeno je sljedeće rangiranje:

Tokom monitoringa primijećene su određene sličnosti u smislu manjkavosti i izazova na osnovu kojih je moguće dati opće preporuke. Institucije neće biti u stanju same ispuniti sve preporuke, odnosno zahtijevaće značajniju podršku Agencije za javne nabavke BiH i drugih institucija.

  1. Institucije bi trebale internim aktom regulisati provođenje procedura vezanih za javne nabavke, posebno u pogledu planiranja javnih nabavki, analize i ispitivanja tržišta, kontrole kvalitete isporučene robe te izvršenih usluga i radova.
  2. Preporučuje se uspostava baze tehničkih specifikacija koja bi bila redovno ažurirana na osnovu provedenih analiza i ispitivanja tržišta.
  3. U svrhu veće transparentnosti, preproručuje se objavljivanje plana javnih nabavki sa svim planiranim nabavkama, osim onih koje bi izričito mogle da ugroze sigurnosnu ulogu institucije.
  4. Objavljivati potpisane izmjene i dopune plana javnih nabavki s datumom i obrazloženjem izmjena i dopuna, posebno u pogledu sredstava koja će biti korištena za nove stavke u planu nabavki.
  5. Institucije se pozivaju da poštuju zakonsku obavezu objavljivanja i blagovremenog ažuriranja Obrasca za praćenje realizacije ugovora.
  6. Preporučuje se da se obezbijedi pregledno objavljivanje dokumenata vezanih za javne nabavke na internet stranici institucije.
  7. Institucije bi trebale za svaki postupak nabavke imenovati novu komisiju, čiji član neće biti službenik koji je učestvovao u pripremnim radnjama (izrada plana javnih nabavki, provođenje analize i istraživanja tržišta, izrada tenderske dokumentacije i dr.), a u kojoj će sekretar biti službenik koji ima iskustva s procedurama javnih nabavki.
  8. Pozivaju se institucije da iskoriste mogućnost provođenja zajedničkih nabavki, posebno u slučaju nabavki manjih vrijednosti, nabavki kancelarijskog materijala i sl., kako bi se ostvarile uštede i uspostavili centri ekspertize.
  9. Institucije bi trebale objavljivati godišnje izvještaje o provedenim postupcima javnih nabavki s informacijama o broju, vrijednostima i vrsti postupaka javnih nabavki, broju dobivenih ponuda, broju i vrijednosti potpisanih ugovora, kao i o planiranim postupcima koji nisu provedeni.

Izvještaj je dostupan ovdje.

To successfully address and fight corruption, it is important to involve all actors of the society, from institutions to individuals. Civil society has a significant role to play in this endeavour.

Public procurement is recognized as an area where there is a high risk of corruption. Therefore, external monitoring and evaluation of the anticorruption capacities and practices of security sector institutions in BiH, taking into account the specificities as for instance classified procurements, are of central importance.

Within the EU funded project “Integrity Building and Strengthening Anti-Corruption Practices in the Security Sector – AcroSS”, the Centre for Security Studies has developed a methodology for assessing the resilience of the security sector to corruption in public procurement. Together with members of the ‘Consortium for Supporting Integrity Building and Reducing Corruption in the Security Sector’ (European Defendology Centre Banja Luka, University College “CEPS – Centre for Business Studies” Kiseljak, Research Centre – Think Tank Banja Luka, Faculty of Law of the University of Bihać, Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies of the University of Sarajevo, Association for Social Development and Crime Prevention Mostar, New Security Initiative Sarajevo), an anti-corruption index was established for the BiH security sector institution using the developed methodology.

The previous report was endorsed by all institutions of the security sector, the Public Procurement Agency of BiH and the Audit Office of the Institutions of BiH, which used the report as a reference for their ‘Report on the Audit of Performance: Timeliness of Public Procurements in the Institutions of BiH.

This year’s report covers the in-depth analysis of anti-corruption capacities of 22 institutions within the security sector in BiH from different levels of government. Based on the analytical work and the predefined anticorruption index (ranging from 1 to 5, where 5 is the highest possible) the following ranking was established:

Institution The value of the AC capacity index Institution The value of the AC capacity index
MoI Herzegovina-Neretva Canton 4,09 Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies 3,26
Indirect Taxation Authority of BiH 3,78 MoI Sarajevo Canton and Police Administration of Sarajevo Canton 3,26
Police of Brcko district of BiH 3,70 MoI Tuzla Canton 3,22
SIPA 3,65 Ministry of Defense of BiH 3,09
Police Support Agency of BiH 3,57 Federal MoI 3,04
Border Police of BiH 3,43 MoI Bosnian Podrinje Canton – Gorazde 3,04
MoI Central Bosnia Canton 3,39 MoI of Republika Srpska 3,04
Court of BiH 3,39 MoI Canton 10 3,00
Agency for Forensic and Expert Examinations of BiH 3,35 MoI Zenica Doboj Canton 2,96
MoI Una-Sana Canton 3,35 MoI Posavina Canton 2,74
HJPC BiH 3,30 MoI West-Herzegovina Canton 2,65

Through the monitoring, certain similarities in terms of gaps and challenges were identified and led to a set of general recommendations. Institutions will not be able to fulfil all of the recommendations by themselves but will require significant support from the Public Procurement Agency of BiH and other relevant institutions.

  1. Institutions should regulate the implementation of public procurement procedures by an internal act, in particular public procurement planning, analysis and market research, quality control of the delivered goods, services and works.
  2. It is recommended to establish a database of technical specifications that would be regularly updated on the basis of conducted market analysis and market researches.
  3. For the purpose of greater transparency, it is recommended to publish the public procurement plan with all planned procurements and to only exclude those from the list that can explicitly endanger the security role and interests of the relevant institution.
  4. Publish [duly signed and] dated amendments to the public procurement plan with the justification of the amendments, especially with regard to the funds to be used for the new items added to the procurement plan.
  5. Institutions are called upon to comply with the legal obligation to publish and timely update the Contract Monitoring Form.
  6. It is recommended to provide clear and transparent publication of public procurement documents on the website of the institution.
  7. Institutions should appoint a new commission for each procurement procedure, whose member shall not be the employee who participated in preparatory actions (drawing up a public procurement plan, carrying out analysis and market research, producing tender documentation, etc.), and in which the secretary of the commission will be an employee who has experience with public procurement procedures.
  8. Institutions are called upon to take advantage of the possibility of conducting joint procurements, especially in the case of purchases of smaller values, procurement of office supplies, etc. to gain savings and to build centres of expertise.
  9. Institutions should publish annual reports on public procurement procedures conducted with information on the number, values and types of public procurement procedure used, the number of offers (bids) received, the number and the value of the signed contracts, as well as the planned procurements that have not been conducted.