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Dr. Denis Hadžović, generalni sekretar Centra za sigurnosne studije, učestvovao je na radnom sastanku organizacija civilnog društva i Agencije za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije, koja je održana u četvrtak, 25. februara 2016. godine.
Agencija za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije je pozvala organizacije civilnog društva, implementatore projekata koji se realiziraju u okviru IPA 2010 „Jačanje antikorupcijskih kapaciteta i mreža NVO-a iz oblasti antikorupcije“ u cilju unapređenja daljnje saradnje. Tokom radnog sastanka predstavljene su i razmatrane mogućnosti i izazovi na daljnjim aktivnostima kao i razmjena mišljenja kada je u pitanju dosadašnja saradnja. Jedan od ciljeva radionice je bilo i jačanje obaveza i odgovornosti u ispunjavanju preuzetih uloga budući da su organizacije civilnog društva jedan od strateških partnera Agencije za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije kada je u pitanju borba protiv korupcije.
Tokom sastanka generalni sekretar CSS-a je upoznao predstavnike Agencije za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije i predstavnike organizacija civilnog društva sa projektom “Izgradnja integriteta i jačanje anti-korupcijskih praksi u sektoru sigurnosti – ACroSS”, koji finansira Delegacije Evropske unije u Bosni i Hercegovini kroz Program podrške civilnom društvu 2014-2015. Aktivnostima projekta predviđeno je da se podrži implementacija 4 aktivnosti Strateškog programa 2.9. Akcionog plana za provedbu Strategije za borbu protiv korupcije 2015-2019. godine. Ovim je Centar za sigurnosne studije potvrdio svoju opredijeljenost da nastavi promovisati standarde i sistemski pristup prevenciji i borbi protiv korupcije u BiH, te da pruži podršku radu Agencije za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije.
Denis Hadžović, PhD, Secretary General of the Centre for Security Studies, took part in the work meeting of civil society organizations and the Agency for the prevention of corruption and coordination of the fight against corruption, which was held on Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016.
The Agency for prevention of corruption and coordination of the fight against corruption invited civil society organizations, implementers of projects in the framework of IPA 2010 “Strengthening anticorruption capacity and network of NGOs in the field of anti-corruption” in order to promote further cooperation. During the meeting opportunities and challenges to further activities were presented and discussed as well as views of when it comes to current cooperation were exchanged. One of the aims of the workshop was to strengthen the obligations and responsibilities in meeting the assumed role because the civil society organizations are one of the strategic partners of the Agency for prevention of corruption and coordination of the fight against corruption when it comes to the fight against corruption.
During the meeting, the Secretary General of CSS has informed the representatives of the Agency for prevention of corruption and coordination of the fight against corruption and the representatives of civil society with the project „Integrity Building and strengthening Anti-Corruption Practices in the Security Sector – ACroSS”, funded by the European Union Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina through the Civil Society Facility Programme 2014-2015. Tha activities of the project are planned to support the implementation of 4 activities of the Strategic Programme 2.9. of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy for Combating Corruption 2015-2019. With this the Centre for Security Studies has confirmed its commitment to continue to promote standards and the systematic approach to the prevention and fight against corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to support the work of the Agency for prevention of corruption and coordination of the fight against corruption.