Projekti ACroSS i POINTPULSE predstavljeni na specijalističkom kursu/Projects ACroSS and POINTPULSE presented at the specialist course

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Generalni sekretar Centra za sigurnosne studije, Denis Hadžović, održao je 20.04.2017. godine predavanje na Specijalističkom kursu iz oblasti Sigurnosne politike Bosne i Hercegovine „Korupcija – sigurnosna prijetnja“.

Kurs za predstavnike institucija i organa koji su uključeni u izgradnju kapaciteta za borbu protiv korupcije na svim nivoima vlasti u Bosni i Hercegovini, kao i institucije nadležne za kreiranje te implementaciju Sigurnosne politike Bosne i Hercegovine, organizovalo je Ministarstvo sigurnosti Bosne i Hercegovina uz podršku Misije OSCE u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Predavanjem su učesnici upoznati s aktivnim angažmanom Centra za sigurnosne studije u pomoći sigurnosnim institucijama u borbi protiv korupcije. Tom prilikom su predstavljena dva aktuelna projekta koje implementira Centar za sigurnosne studije „Izgradnja integriteta i jačanje anti-korupcijskih praksi u sektoru sigurnosti – ACroSS“ i regionalni projekat „Puls integriteta i povjerenja u policiju na Zapadnom Balkanu (POINTPULSE)“. Oba projekta finansira Evropska unija.

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The Secretary General of the Centre for Security Studies, Denis Hadžović, PhD, gave a lecture at the Specialized course in the field of Security Policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina “Corruption – security threat” on April 20th 2017.

The course for the representatives of institutions and bodies involved in capacity building in the fight against corruption at all levels of governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the institutions responsible for the creation and implementation of the Security Policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, was organized by the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the support of the OSCE Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

During the lecture the participants were familiarized with the active engagement of the Centre for Security Studies in assisting security institutions to fight corruption. On this occasion two current projects implemented by the Center for Security Studies “Building integrity and strengthening anti-corruption practices in the security sector – Across” and a regional project “Pulse integrity and confidence in the police in the Western Balkans (POINTPULSE)” were presented. Both projects are funded by the European Union.