For the project description in English, please see below

U januaru 2015.g., Centar za sigurnosne studije (CSS) je, u partnerstvu sa još četiri organizacije civilnog društva iz regije, formirao mrežu POINTPULSE s ciljem nadgledanja borbe protiv korupcije u policijama Zapadnog Balkana. Organizacije koje, pored CSS-a, učestvuju u ovom projektu su Beogradski centar za bezbednosnu politiku (BCBP), Balkanska istraživačka mreža (BIRN) iz Beograda, Institut Alternativa (IA) iz Podgorice i Kosovski centar za bezbjednosne studije (KCSS) iz Prištine.

U martu 2016. godine uključuju se još dvije članice – Analitika  iz Skopja i Institut za demokratiju i medijaciju (IDM) iz Tirane.

Projekat ima za cilj da doprinese jačanju povjerenja građana u institucije za provedbu zakona na Zapadnom Balkanu kroz borbu protiv korupcije u policiji ipromovisanje odgovornosti policije.

Specifični cilj je uspostavljanje regionalne mreže za civilni nadzor integriteta policije na Zapadnom Balkanu, koja je osposobljena da prati i javno zagovara ideju odgovornog rada policije.

Projekat predviđa sljedeće aktivnosti:

  • uspostavljanje regionalne mreže organizacija civilnog društva Puls integriteta i povjerenja u policiju na Zapadnom Balkanu (POINTPULSE)
  • razvijanje metodološkog okvira za procjenu integriteta policije
  • nadzor i procena integriteta policija na Zapadnom Balkanu (uključujući istraživanja javnog mnjenja, objavljivanje analiza, nacionalnih izveštaja i godišnjeg
  • izveštaja)
  • uticaj na donosioce odluka i podizanje nivoa svijesti o značaju odgovornog rada policije (uključujući radne sastanke sa predstavnicima regionalnih inicijativa za policijsku saradnju, panel diskusije, internet POINTPULSE platformu, medijske priloge i godišnje konferencije).

Projekat finansira Evropska unija kroz program Podsticanje civilnog društva (engl. Civil Society Facility) u okviru Instrumenta za pretpristupnu pomoć (IPA).

Projektne aktivnosi se mogu pratiti putem Twittera #BalkanCops i  #POINTPULSE, te na webstranici projekta .



 Western Balkans Pulse for Police Integrity and Trust (POINTPULSE)

Five civil society organizations – Centre for Security Studies (CSS) from Sarajevo, Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP) and Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN), Institute Alternative (IA) from Montenegro and Kosovo Centre for Security Studies (KCSS) from Prishtina – networked into POINTPULSE (Western Balkans Pulse for Police Integrity and Trust) aimed to oversight of police integrity in the Western Balkans.

In March 2016, two new members joined – Analytica from Skopje and the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) from Tirana.


Overall objective(s): Contribute to increased trust and confidence in the law enforcement agencies in the Western Balkans by fighting police corruption and promoting police integrity.

Specific objective(s): Established regional civilian oversight network in the Western Balkans fully competent to understand and monitor the state of police integrity and advocate for policy changes in the region.


The project partners will implement the following activities: 1. Establishing the fully functional oversight network of civil society organizations: Western Balkans Pulse for Police Integrity and Trust (POINTPULSE). 2. Developing POINTPULSE methodological framework for analysing police corruption and providing a coherent, comprehensive framework for assessing the state of play regarding police integrity. 3. Monitoring and benchmarking police integrity in the Western Balkans (including public opinion survey, production of analysis, country reports and annual report). 4. Influencing policy makers and raising awareness on police integrity (including working breakfast with representatives of the regional initiatives, panel discussions, online POINTPULSE platform, media feature stories and annual conference).


  • POINTPULSE network established with participation of five regional civil society organizations and with clear organizational structure.
  • POINTPULSE network structured.
  • Strategic tracks for opportunities on expanded policy dialogue with law enforcement agencies in the Western Balkans and with 4 regional initiatives (RCC, RAI, SELEC and SEPCA) on critical police integrity issues.
  • Strengthened capacities of 5 civil society organizations from the Western Balkans for monitoring and benchmarking police integrity.
  • POINTPULSE network developed a civilian oversight tracking system for benchmarking police integrity, which includes a gender dimension.
  • POINTPULSE network assessed the effects of police officers ‘violations on the public trust in police force in the Western Balkans.
  • POINTPULSE network informed policy community in Europe on police integrity developments in the Western Balkans.

The project is supported by the European Union through Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) programme Civil Society Facility (CSF).

Project activities can be also followed via Twitter hashtags #BalkanCops and #POINTPULSE and the project website .