(For English, please see below)

Tokom 14. i 15.05.2017. godine, predstavnici Centra za sigurnosne studije (CSS) su obavili radnu posjetu opštinama Sanski Most i Oštra Luka u okviru projekta „Pomoć opštinama da unaprijede sistem ranog upozoravanja i podrška oporavku od poplava – SAFE“, koji finansira Evropska unija. Cilj posjete bio je predstavljanje i upoznavanje opštinskih načelnika i predstavnika opštinskih službi civilne zaštite o projektu i projektnim aktivnostima, ali i okvirno sagledavanje stanja oporavka tih opština od majskih poplava iz 2014. godine.

Načelnik opštine Sanski Most, gdin. Faris Hasanbegović, izrazio je zadovoljstvo nastupnom posjetom i pružio podršku implementaciji projektnih aktivnosti. Osim toga, predstavnike CSS-a je upoznao o dosadašnjem toku procesa revitalizacije te opštine, naročito u pogledu uspješnih infrastrukturnih projekata i obnove privrednih subjekata, ali i o budućim mjerama i aktivnostima na smanjivanju rizika od poplavnih prijetnji. Također, upriličena je kratka posjeta JU „Narodna biblioteka“ Sanski Most gdje se razgovaralo o trenutnom stanju funkcionisanja te ustanove, kao i o štetama i gubicima nastalima tokom majskih poplava. Podršku projektu i saradnju izrazio je i načelnik opštine Oštra Luka, gdin. Dragan Stanar. On je izrazio nadu da će implementacija projektnih aktivnosti pomoći u jačanju kapaciteta opštine od potencijalnih poplava, budući da sadašnji kapaciteti nisu zadovoljavajući.

Tokom održanih sastanaka dogovoreni su i konkretni koraci budućeg djelovanja, kao što su potpisivanje memoranduma o saradnji i organizacija prve radionice na kojoj će se utvrditi aktivnosti u cilju pomoći tim opštinama da unaprijede vlastiti sistem ranog upozoravnja od prirodnih katastrofa.


On the 14th and 15th May of 2017, representatives of the Centre for Security Studies (CSS) carried out a working visit to the municipalities of Sanski Most and Ostra Luka within the project “Assistance to affected municipalities in improving the early flood warning system and supporting the flood recovery – SAFE”, funded by the European Union. The aim of the visit was the presentation and introduction of municipal mayors and representatives of the municipal civil defense services on the project and the project activities, as well as an indicative assessment of the state of recovery of these municipalities from floods in 2014.

The Mayor of Sanski Most, Mr. Faris Hasanbegović, expressed satisfaction with the inaugural visit and provided support to the implementation of the project activities. In addition, representatives of CSS were informed on the progress achieved in the process of revitalization of the municipality, especially in terms of successful infrastructure projects and renewal of business entities, but also on future measures and activities to reduce the risk of flood threats. Also, a short visit to the “National Library” Sanski Most was organized, where it was discussed about the current state of the functioning of this institution, as well as on damages and losses arising during the May floods. Support to the project and cooperation was expressed by the Mayor of Ostra Luka, Mr. Dragan Stanar. He expressed the hope that the implementation of the project activities would help in strengthening the capacity of the municipality of potential flooding since the current capacity is not satisfactory.

During the meetings, concrete steps for future action, such as signing a memorandum of understanding and organization of the first workshop were arranged, during which activities, in order to help these municipalities to improve their own natural disaster early warning system, will be established.
