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Dvodnevna regionalna radionica pod nazivom “Procjena rizika korupcije i institucionalni integritet”, u zajedničkoj organizaciji RACVIAC – Centar za sigurnosnu saradnju i Regionalne inicijative za borbu protiv korupcije (RAI), uz podršku Ministarstva odbrane Crne Gore, održana je 30. i 31. maja 2017, u Podgorici, Crna Gora.

Ova radionica je nastavak niza aktivnosti koje su oganizovali RACVIAC – Centar za sigurnosnu saradnju u saradnji sa RAI i zamišljena je kao poduhvat jačanja kapaciteta za novu generaciju stručnjaka koji su uključeni u predmet izgradnje integriteta i borbe protiv korupcije.

Projekt koordinator Centra za sigurnosne studije, Sanjin Hamidičević, održao je prezentaciju na temu “Otpornosti na korupciju u javnim nabavkama u sektoru odbrane – Nalazi i uloga civilnog društva”. U prezentaciji, predstavio je ulogu civilnog društva, kao i ključne nalaze po pitanju borbe protiv korupcije u sektoru odbrane u projektima „Mapiranje rizika korupcije u sigornosnom sektoru” i “Izgradnja integriteta i jačanje anti-korupcijskih praksi u sektoru sigurnosti – ACroSS”.

Svrha radionice je da se povećaju kapaciteti ministarstava odbrane u području procjene rizika od korupcije i integriteta, kao i jačanje saradnju sa tijelima za borbu protiv korupcije. Cilj je povećanje svijesti o trenutnim mehanizmima i alatima za borbu protiv korupcije, ali i o potrebnim zakonskim rješenjima. Učesnici su stekli bolje razumijevanje specifičnih elemenata koji se odnose na planove integriteta, mjere integriteta, identifikacija i ublažavanje rizika od korupcije, sprječavanje korupcije u javnim nabavkama, upravljanje finansijske kontrole, zaštita uzbinjivača, itd


A two-day regional Workshop titled “Corruption Risk Assessment and Institutional Integrity”, co-organized by RACVIAC – Centre for Security Cooperation and the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI), with the support of the Ministry of Defence of Montenegro, was held on 30-31 May 2017, in Podgorica, Montenegro.

This Workshop is a continuation of a series of activities previously organized by RACVIAC – Centre of Security Cooperation in cooperation with RAI and is intended as a capacity building endeavour for a new generation of experts involved in the subject of building integrity and fighting corruption.

Mr. Sanjin Hamidičević, project coordinator at the Centre for Security Studies, gave a presentation on the topic „Resistance to corruption in public procurement in defense sector – Findings and role of the civil society“. In the presentation, he presented the role of the civil society, as well as key findings in regards to fighting corruption in the defence sector in the projects „Mapping Corruption Risks in the Security Sector“ and „Integrity Building and Strengthening Anti-Corruption Practices in the Security Sector – ACroSS“.

The purpose of the Workshop is to increase the capacity of the ministries of defence in the field of corruption risk assessment and integrity, as well as to strengthen their cooperation with anti-corruption bodies. It aims at increasing awareness about the current anti-corruption mechanisms and tools, but also the needed legal solutions. The participants gained a better understanding of the specific elements related to integrity plans, integrity measures, identification and mitigation of corruption risks, prevention of corruption in public procurement, financial control management, protection of whistle-blowers, etc.
