The Centre for Security Studies has conducted research for a number of purposes into factors affecting the security and political environment within the country and region. Research papers and articles include:



‘Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Bilateral Relations with Turkey’ December, 2008


“Evaluation of the Structure, Standards and Efficiency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina”


– English

– Bosnian


Liberalization of The Visa Regime.



– Bosnian


Campaign Issue Policy Brief: “What BiH Politicians Intend To Do In Order To Obtain Liberalisation And Subsequent Abolishment Of The Schengen Visa Regime For ALL Citizens Of BiH”


– English

– Bosnian


Security Sector Reform and Media in BiH – The Way Ahead to Security Sector Good Governance


– English

– Bosnian


The EU’s Foreign and Security Policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina


The results of the SURVEY ON THE PERCEPTIONS OF CITIZENS of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards:

– Establishment of the Ministry of Defense BH,

– Establishment of the Intelligence and Security Agency of BiH,

– Establishment of police institutions at the state level,

– Forthcoming replacement of SFOR by EU forces.


The Effects of the International Community’s Presence on the Defence Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Needs Assessment on Small Arms and Light Weapons in Bosnia and Herzegovina: For the needs of UNDP BiH, The Centre for Security Studies BiH conducted research over a three-month period from April to the end of June 2003 of the needs of BiH in the area of Small Arms and Light Weapons. The research included many segments of social activities, and amongst other things included the following: total legal regulation in the area of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in BiH; Government capability to implement and administer legal regulations on SALW, the Capacity and role of the military industry in BiH in relation to SALW, activities of the International community in BiH on this issue, Possible education and awareness raising campaigns, etc. The mission of the project was to use the information gained through the comprehensive research to provide recommendations for the future activities of state institutions and NGO’s. This would in effect improve the success of the fight against the problems of SALW in BiH.

Project ESCADA (‘Extending Security Cooperation and Defence Arrangements’) 2002/03 – SECURITY AND DEFENCE IN SOUTH-EASTERN EUROPE: Recommendations and Conclusion; Leaded by Centre for European Security Studies, Netherlands in cooperation with Centre for Security Studies BiH

Social Survey: Perceptions and Attitudes of the Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards Terrorism and the Role of International Security Organisations, July, 2002


Transparency-Building Project in South-Eastern Europe (TBP-SEE): Case of BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA; More information’s available on web site of the Centre for European Security Studies (CESS), Groningen


Managing Peace: Challenges of Post-Conflict Peace-Building Processes, June 2002


Post-Conflict Resolution in the Balkans, May 2002


Post-Conflict Resolution in the Balkans, May 2002


Security in Southeast Europe over the next 10 – 15 Years, September 2001


BiH Security Policy Background Paper, July 2001






Publications are a major part of the CSS’s operations. They serve as a reference point for the participants of our events as well as bringing these topics to a wider audience – to the general public, scholars, journalists, government officials, and others.

Activity Report 2006

Activity Report 2005

Activity Report 2004

Activity Report 2003

Our publications are produced in both Bosnian and English and are available free to all interested parties. The following publications are available to download and are in MS Word format:




NATO od sigurnosnog saveza do savremenih izazova

Public debate on the topic of “Human Rights and Globalization”Sarajevo, 11 Dec. 2006

Survey results: Dialogue on the Constitution of BiH

– English

– Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian





Seminar on Economic Aspects of Security, Trieste, Italy, 2-5 Oct. 2003

– English; 2 MB

– Bosnian; 3,5 MB

– Croatian; 3 MB

– Serbian; 3,5 MB





Seminar on Economic Aspects of Security, 13–14 September 2002, Portoroz, Slovenia









Round-Table on the Role of Parliament, Academia and the Media in Democratic Controle, Sarajevo, 31 May-1 June 2002









Round-Table on Elements of the Security Policy – Internal Policy, Banja Luka, 19 February 2002.









Round-Table on Elements of the Security Policy – Intelligence Services, Sarajevo, 27 November 2001.









Seminar – Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Partnership for Peace, Sarajevo, 7-8 November 2001.









Round-Table on Elements of the Security Policy – Foreign and Economic policy, Sarajevo, 13 September 2001.









Seminar on Security Policy for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, 16 – 17 July 2001