(For English, please see below)
Predstavnici Centra za sigurnosne studije su 13.03.2018. godine izvršili ceremonijalnu primopredaju vrijedne opreme za službe zaštite i spašavanja u općinama Sanski Most i Oštra Luka u okviru projekta „Pomoć opštinama da unaprijede sistem ranog upozoravanja i podrška oporavku od poplava – SAFE“. Pored uposlenika službi zaštite i spašavanja, primopredaji su prisustvovali i najviši zvaničnici općinskih organa.
Općinske službe civilne zaštite su tom prilikom postale bogatije u pogledu sistema komunikacije (antene; repetitori; fiksne, mobilne i ručne radio stanice), opreme za zaštitu na vodi i pod vodom (čamac, ronilačka odijela te ostala oprema neophodna za ronjenje), instrumenata za brzu kontrolu ispravnosti vode (ph metri), vatrogastva (oprema za djelovanje u otvorenim i zatvorenim požarima) te ostale korisne opreme (lopate, sjekire, motorne pile, kosilice, agregat i pumpa za ispumpavanje vode). Također, Službi civilne i protupožarne zaštite Sanski Most doniran je visokosofisticirani dron s termalnom kamerom koji će pomoći toj instituciji u odgovoru na brojne prirodne nesreće, kao što su poplave, požari i zemljotresi.
Ceremonijalnom primopredajom vrijedne opreme službama zaštite i spašavanja završen je jednogodišnji projekat „SAFE“, koji se finansirao sredstvima Evropske unije. Projekat „SAFE“ je bio teritorijalno fokusiran na općine Sanski Most i Oštra Luka s ciljem podrške opravku tih općina od katastrofalnih poplava iz 2014. godine.
Inače, kroz projekat „SAFE“ donirana je i hidrološka stanica Agenciji za vodno područje rijeke Save s ciljem kontinuiranog praćenja nivoa vodotoka rijeke Blihe, jedne od pritoka rijeke Sane. Također, obnovljeni su i bibliotekarski fondovi za ukupno deset obrazovno-kulturnih institucija u tim općinama, doniranjem više od 3.000 knjiga.
Projekat „SAFE“ imao je i značajnu edukativnu komponentu s ciljem jačanja svijesti i podizanja znanja građana te subjekata šireg sistema zaštite i spašavanja u pogledu odgovora na prirodne i druge nesreće. U ukupno 27 mjesnih zajednica dostavljeno je 200 primjeraka procjene ugroženosti općina Sanski Most i Oštra Luka od pojedinih prirodnih i drugih nesreća te 2.000 vodiča o pravilnom postupanju tokom njih. Procjena razmatra stepen ugroženosti općina od zemljotresa, klizišta, poplava, požara, mina i neeksplodiranih ubojnih sredstava te raspoložive općinske kapacitete za odgovor na te prijetnje. S druge strane, u vodiču su predstavljena pravila postupanja prije, tokom i nakon tih prijetnji. Također, učenicima škola, kojima su obnovljeni bibliotekarski fondovi, predstavljeni su i uručeni kratki vodiči o pravilnom postupanju prije, tokom i nakon poplava. Edukativni aspekt projekta „SAFE“ upotpunjen je seminarom na kojem su se predstavnici različitih općinskih ustanova upoznali o važnosti kriznog menadžmenta i sistema ranog upozoravanja te iskustvima Republike Hrvatske i Republike Srbije u odgovoru na poplave i požare.
Zahvaljujemo se Evropskoj uniji (Delegaciji Evropske unije u Bosni i Hercegovini) čija je nesebična i svestrana pomoć omogućila realizaciju projekta „SAFE“.
Representatives of the Centre for Security Studies on March 13, 2018, conducted a ceremonial handover of valuable equipment for protection and rescue services in the municipalities of Sanski Most and Ostra Luka within the project “Assistance to affected municipalities in improving the early flood warning system and supporting the flood recovery – SAFE”. In addition to the employees of the protection and rescue services, the handover was attended by the highest officials of municipal institutions.
On that occasion, municipal civil protection services became richer in terms of communication systems (antennas, repeaters, fixed, mobile and hand-held radio stations), water and underwater protection equipment (boat, diving suits and other equipment necessary for diving), instruments for quick control of water quality (ph meters), firefighting (equipment for operating in open and indoor fires) and other useful equipment (shovels, axes, chainsaws, mowers, aggregate and water pump). Also, a highly-equipped drone with a thermal camera was donated to the Civil and Fire Protection Service of Sanski Most municipality in order to help that institution in responding to numerous natural disasters, such as floods, fires, and earthquakes.
The one-year project “SAFE”, funded by the European Union, ended with this ceremonial handover of valuable equipment to the protection and rescue services. The project “SAFE” was territorially focused on the municipalities of Sanski Most and Ostra Luka in order to support the recovery of these municipalities from the catastrophic floods of 2014.
Through the project “SAFE”, a hydrological station was donated to the Sava River Watershed Agency with the aim of continuous monitoring of the river Bliha water level, which is one of the tributaries of the Sana River. Also, library funds for a total of ten educational and cultural institutions in these municipalities have been renewed, by donating more than 3.000 books.
The project “SAFE” also had a significant educational component with the aim to raise awareness and knowledge of citizens and subjects of the wider protection and rescue system in response to natural and other disasters. In a total of 27 local communities, 200 pieces of “Risk assessment of the threats from natural and other hazards in the municipalities of Sanski Most and Ostra Luka” were delivered, as well as 2.000 Guides on the proper behavior during them. The Assessment considers the degree of vulnerability of municipalities to earthquakes, landslides, floods, fires, mines and unexploded ordnances and available municipal capacities to respond to these threats. On the other hand, the guide presents the rules of behavior before, during, and after these threats. Also, pupils of schools, which library funds were renewed, got brief guides on proper behavior before, during and after the floods. The educational aspect of the project “SAFE” was completed with a seminar where representatives of various municipal institutions were informed about the importance of crisis management and early warning systems and the experiences of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serbia in response to floods and fires.
We thank the European Union (Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina) whose unselfish and comprehensive support enabled the implementation of the project “SAFE”.