(for English, please see below)
U srijedu, 09.08.2017. godine, predstavnici CSS-a su obavili radni sastanak u Sarajevu s uposlenicima Agencije za vodno područje rijeke Save. Tom prilikom, uposlenici Agencije su upoznati s projektom „SAFE“ te dosadašnjim i budućim projektnim aktivnostima.
Osim toga, predstavnicima CSS-a je predstavljen rad Agencije, odnosno njeni kapaciteti za monitoring hidrografske mreže u FBiH uz primjenu najsavremenijih tehničko-tehnoloških dostignuća, kao i budući koraci u cilju njihovog jačanja.
Na kraju, izraženo je obostrano zadovoljstvo održavanjem sastanka te želja za saradnjom u okviru projekta „SAFE“.
On Wednesday, August 9th 2017, CSS representatives held a meeting in Sarajevo with the employees of the Sava River Watershed Agency. On this occasion, the employees of the Agency were informed about the project “SAFE” and previous and future project activities.
In addition, representatives of CSS were informed about the work of the Agency, i.e. its capacities for monitoring the hydrographic network in FBiH with the use of the most modern technical and technological achievements, as well as future steps in the order of their strengthening.
At the end of the meeting, mutual satisfaction was expressed by holding a meeting and the desire to cooperate within the project “SAFE”.