(for English, please see below)
U četvrtak, 20.07.2017. godine, u Oštroj Luci održana je druga radionica u okviru projekta „Pomoć opštinama da unaprijede sistem ranog upozoravanja i podrška oporavku od poplava – SAFE“, koji finansira Evropska unija. Radionici, pod nazivom „Izrada Akcionog plana za unapređenje sistema zaštite i spašavanja“, prisustvovao je 21 učesnik.
U uvodnim obraćanjima prisutnima su se obratili načelnik opštine Oštra Luka, gospodin Dragan Stanar, načelnik Službe civilne i protivpožarne zaštite opštine Sanski Most, gospodin Sajid Ramić, te direktor Centra za sigurnosne studije, gospodin Denis Hadžović. Izraženo je zadovoljstvo održavanjem radionice, kao i očekivanje da će se ovim projektom osnažiti saradnja između opštinskih civilnih zaštita.
Tokom prve sesije radionice, kojom je moderirao profesor s banjalučkog univerziteta, gospodin Duško Vejnović, razmatran je i usvojen dio Akcionog plana za nabavku opreme službama civilne zaštite u opštinama Sanski Most i Oštra Luka.
U drugoj sesiji radionice, kojom je moderirao gospodin prof. dr Nevzet Veladžić s Univerziteta u Bihaću, usvojen je drugi dio Akcionog plana koji se tiče nabavke knjižnog fonda za obrazovno-kulturne institucija s područja Sanskog Mosta i Oštre Luke. Nakon razmatranja i usvajanja Akcionog plana, uspostavljen je Tim za nadzor njegove implementacije, a kojeg čine predstavnici Centra za sigurnosne studije, službi civilne zaštite i obrazovnih institucija.
Osim toga, tokom druge sesije potpisan je i „Memorandum o unapređenju sistema ranog upozoravanja za zaštitu od poplava opština Sanski Most i Oštra Luka“, kojim je uspostavljen Tim za nadzor vodotoka rijeke Sane. Glavni cilj uspostavljanja takvog tima je osnaživanje razmjene informacija između predstavnika sistema zaštite i spašavanja u dvije opštine te obavještavanje lokalne javnosti, naročito kada prijete opasnosti od poplava. Tim čine četiri predstavnika sistema zaštite i spašavanja u opštinama Sanski Most i Oštra Luka.
Dan prije održavanja radionice, u Sanskom Mostu održan je radni sastanak s predstavnicima pojedinih institucija relevantnih za realizaciju projekta „SAFE“.
On Thursday, July 20th 2017, a second workshop was held in Ostra Luka within the project “Assistance to affected municipalities in improving the early flood warning system and supporting the flood recovery – SAFE” funded by the European Union. The workshop, entitled “Development of the Action Plan for Improving the System of Protection and Rescue”, was attended by 21 participants.
In opening remarks, participants were addressed by the Mayor of Ostra Luka, Mr. Dragan Stanar, Head of the Civil and Fire Protection Service of the Municipality of Sanski Most, Mr. Sajid Ramic, and Director of the Centre for Security Studies, Mr. Denis Hadzovic. They expressed satisfaction with the workshop, as well as the expectation that this project will strengthen the cooperation between municipal civil protection sevices.
During the first session of the workshop, moderated by the professor at the University of Banja Luka, Mr. Dusko Vejnovic, the part of Action Plan relating to the procurement of equipment for civil protection services in the municipalities of Sanski Most and Ostra Luka was considered and adopted.
In the second session of the workshop, moderated by Prof. Nevzet Veladzic, PhD, from the University of Bihac, the second part of Action Plan was adopted regarding the purchase of book funds for educational and cultural institutions in Sanski Most and Ostra Luka. After consideration and adoption of the Action Plan, a Monitoring Team for Implementation was established, consisting of the representatives of the Centre for Security Studies, civil protection services, and educational institutions.
In addition, during the second session, a “Memorandum on the Improvement of the Early Warning System for the Flood Protection of the Municipalities of Sanski Most and Ostra Luka” was signed, and the Team for monitoring the level of the Sana River was established. The main goal of establishing such a team is to strengthen the exchange of information between representatives of the protection and rescue system in the two municipalities and to inform the local public, especially in the event of flooding. The team consists of four representatives of the protection and rescue system in the municipalities of Sanski Most and Ostra Luka.
The day before the workshop, a working meeting was held in Sanski Most with representatives of institutions relevant to the implementation of the project “SAFE”.