(for English, please see below)

Centar za sigurnosne studije BiH (CSS BiH) je u Sanskom Mostu 07. juna 2017. godine potpisao „Memorandum o razumijevanju“ s opštinama Sanski Most i Oštra Luka u okviru projekta „Pomoć opštinama da unaprijede sistem ranog upozoravanja i podrška oporavku od poplava – SAFE“, koji finansira Evropska unija.

Dokument od strateške važnosti su potpisali načelnik Sanskog Mosta, gospodin Faris Hasanbegović, načelnik Oštre Luke, gospodin Dragan Stanar, dok je u ime CSS BiH „Memorandum o razumijevanju“ potpisao zamjenik direktora, gospodin Armin Kržalić.


Činom potpisivanja „Memoranduma o razumijevanju“ ozvaničena je saradnja između pomenutih lokalnih zajednica i CSS BiH u implementaciji projekta „SAFE“ u narednih godinu dana, koja će dovesti do jačanja operativnih kapaciteta opštinskih službi civilne zaštite u pogledu materijalne opremljenosti, unapređenja sistema za rano upozoravanje te zaštite okoliša, ali i podizanja svijesti građana o odgovornom i pravilnom postupanju u slučaju prirodnih nepogoda. Također, projektne aktivnosti podržavaju obnavljanje knjižnih fondova obrazovno-kulturnih institucija u navedenim opštinama koje su uništene tokom majskih poplava 2014. godine.

Centre for Security Studies BiH (CSS BiH) signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” in Sanski Most, on 7th June 2017, with the municipalities of Sanski Most and Ostra Luka within the project “Assistance to affected municipalities in improving the early flood warning system and supporting the flood recovery – SAFE”, funded by the European Union.

The document of strategic importance was signed by the Mayor of Sanski Most, Mr. Faris Hasanbegović, Mayor of Oštra Luka, Mr. Dragan Stanar, while on behalf of CSS BiH “Memorandum of Understanding” was signed by the Deputy Director, Mr. Armin Kržalić.

By the act of signing the “Memorandum of Understanding” the collaboration between these local communities and CSS BiH in the implementation of the project “SAFE” in the coming year was made official, which will lead to the strengthening of the operational capacity of the municipal departments of civil defense in terms of material equipment, improved early warning system  and environmental protection, but also to raise public awareness about responsible and proper behavior in the event of natural disasters. Also, the project activities support the renewal of book funds of educational and cultural institutions in these municipalities that were destroyed during the floods of 2014.