(for English, please see below)

U četvrtak, 08.06.2017. godine, članovi tima za implementaciju projekta „Pomoć opštinama da unaprijede sistem ranog upozoravanja i podrška oporavku od poplava – SAFE“, koji finansira Evropska unija, posjetili su Federalnu upravu civilne zaštite (FUCZ). Tom prilikom je održan sastanak s gospođom Dalilom Efendić, pomoćnicom direktora, te gospodinom Ramom Dautbašićem, šefom Odsjeka za zaštitu od požara i vatrogastvo.

Predstavnicima FUCZ-e je predstavljen projekat „SAFE“, kao i dosadašnje te buduće aktivnosti u njegovoj implementaciji. Izražena je podrška projektu, a razmijenjene su i ideje o budućim projektnim aktivnostima u kojima bi direktno učešće mogli imati predstavnici FUCZ-e.

On Thursday, 8th June 2017, members of the team for the implementation of the project “Assistance to affected municipalities in improving the early flood warning system and supporting the flood recovery – SAFE”, funded by the European Union, visited the Federal Department of Civil Protection (FDCP). On this occasion, a meeting was held with Mrs. Dalila Efendić, assistant director, and Mr. Ramo Dautbašić, head of the Department for fire protection and firefighting.

Representatives of FDCP were informed about the project “SAFE”, as well as current and future activities in its implementation. They expressed support for the project, and ideas about future project activities in which representatives of FDCP could have direct participation were exchanged.