(for English, please see below)

U utorak, 06.06.2017. godine, članovi tima za implementaciju projekta „Pomoć opštinama da unaprijede sistem ranog upozoravanja i podrška oporavku od poplava – SAFE“, koji finansira Evropska unija, obavili su sastanke s rukovodećim osobama potencijalnih institucija kojima će biti obnovljeni knjižni fondovi u opštinama Sanski Most i Oštra Luka. Sastancima su bile obuhvaćene JU OŠ „Prva sanska škola“, JU OŠ „Hasan Kikić“, JU „Mješovita srednja škola“ i JU „Narodna biblioteka“ u Sanskom Mostu.


Sastanak s direktoricom JU OŠ “Prva sanska škola”, gđom. Beširević Editom / Meeting with the director of the Primary School “Prva sanska škola”, Mrs. Beširević Edita


Sastanak s direktoricom, gđom. Edinom Šuvalić, i predstavnicima JU OŠ “Hasan Kikić” / Meeting with the director, Mrs. Edina Šuvalić, and the representatives of the Primary School “Hasan Kikić”


Sastanak s direktorom JU “Mješovita srednja škola”, gdinom. Seadom Midžanom / Meeting with the director of the secondary school “Mješovita srednja škola”, Mr. Sead Midžan

Sastanak s direktoricom JU “Narodna biblioteka” Sanski Most, gđom. Medihom Hromalić / Meeting with the director of the “National Library” Sanski Most, Ms. Mediha Hromalić

U prostorijama JU OŠ „Desanka Maksimović“ u Oštroj Luci, upriličen je zajednički sastanak s direktorom te ustanove i s predstavnicima JU OŠ „Josif Pančić“ i JU OŠ „Petar Škundrić“.


Sastanak s direktorom JU OŠ “Desanka Maksimović”, gdinom. Ljubomirom Vulinom, direktorom JU OŠ “Josif Pančić”, gdinom. Lazarom Vulinom i predstavnicom JU OŠ “Petar Škundrić” / Meeting with the director of the Primary School “Desanka Maksimović”, Mr. Ljubomir Vulin, director of the Primary School “Josif Pančić”, Mr. Lazar Vulin and the representative of the Primary School “Petar Škundrić”

Obnavljanje knjižnih fondova je jedna od predviđenih projektnih aktivnosti, dok je glavni cilj projekta podrška oporavku navedenih opština od majskih poplava iz 2014. godine te unapređenje nivoa opremljenosti i obučenosti sistema za rano upozoravanje od prirodnih katastrofa. Implementacija projekta je zvanično započela 15. marta tekuće godine, a vrijeme njegovog trajanja je 12 mjeseci.

On Tuesday, 06.06.2017, members of the team for the implementation of the project “Assistance to affected municipalities in improving the early flood warning system and supporting the flood recovery – SAFE”, funded by the European Union, held meetings with directors of the potential institutions whom book funds will be renewed in the municipalities of Sanski Most and Ostra Luka. The meetings were held in primary schools “Prva sanska škola”, “Hasan Kikić”, “Mješovita srednja škola” and “National Library” in Sanski Most.

In the premises of Primary School “Desanka Maksimović” in Oštra Luka, there was a joint meeting with the director of that institution and representatives of primary schools “Josif Pančić” and “Petar Škundrić”.

Renewal of the book funds is one of the planned project activities, whereas the main objective of the project is to support the recovery of these municipalities from the May 2014 floods and the improvement of the level of equipment and training for the natural disaster early warning system. Implementation of the project has officially started on 15 March of this year, and its duration is 12 months.