The Centre for Security Studies (CSS) from Sarajevo in partnership with the Peace Support Operations Training Centre (PSOTC) in Bosnia Herzegovina and Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo, has organised a seminar called “Media Management in Peace Support Operations”. The seminar has take place from 7th to 10th of May 2013 in Camp Butmir, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The course itself has been recognized by the Faculty of Political Science of the Sarajevo University as an electoral exam on master studies with 6 ECTS.
There were nineteen participants from BiH Faculty of Political Science in Sarajevo, University of Mostar, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Security BiH. The students have had an opportunity to participate in presentations and conduct practical training during the four day of the course. This Course was another great opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences between participants of the course coming from various security agencies and educational institutions of BiH.
This seminar is as a part of the CSS project titled „Support to institutional building of PSOTC in increasing their capacities for smooth transition to local ownership“. This project is aimed to support PSOTC in developing capacity and expertise in areas of SSR, Rule of Low and CSDP. Project is generously supported by Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.