The Civil Society Capacity Building to Map and Monitor SSR in the WB project aims:
The project’s main goal is to increase the capacity of the civil society in the Western Balkan region to effectively oversee security sector reform both on the national level, and through a cooperation network on the regional level. The goal of the project is also to promote cooperation between regional civil society actors and improve regional transparency of SSR processes in neighboring countries. Within the project, the main activities focus on bringing together different researchers in a series of gatherings and workshops, where they discuss the methodological issues and cooperation. The project is funded by the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway.
In the realization of the project are include seven partners organization from the region;
1. Analytica from Macedonia;
2. Centre for Belgrade Centre for Security Policy from Serbia;
3. Centre for Democracy and Human Rights from Montenegro;
4. Centre for Security Studies from Bosnia and Herzegovina;
5. Institute for Democracy and Mediation from Albania;
6. Institute for International Relations from Croatia; and
7. Kosovar Centre for Security Studies from Kosovo.