For English, please see below 

Cilj projekta, finansiran kroz Grant Odjela za javnu diplomatiju NATO- , bio je da se proizvede i emituje 13 epizoda TV serijala “Naša snaga ” u periodu od juna do novembra 2015. godine.

Serijal je uređen da prikaže Ministarstvo odbrane i Oružane snage BiH sa sadržajem programa kreiran na način da je, osim redovnih tema koje uključuju temu “BiH i NATO”, sa NATO saradnja je inkorporirana u sklopu svih tema (osnovna vojna obuka; dostizanje standarda NATO-a u svim područjima, od učešća pripadnika OS BiH u mirovnim operacijama pod NATO tutorstvom, do napora Ministarstva odbrane BiH da se osiguraju osnovni uslovi za učešće u Akcionom planu za članstvo (MAP)).

Kako bi se ostvario daljnji napredak u integraciji BiH u NATO, potrebno je da postigne šira podrška javnosti. Proizvodnja ovih epizoda ima za cilj da pomogne i doprinese boljem razumijevanju procesa članstva u NATO-u i informisati javnost o trenutnim zadatcima i aktivnostima Oružanih snaga i Ministarstva odbrane BiH, kao da obrazuje i informiše profesionalce i studente o ciljevima i misijama Organizacije Sjervernoatlantskog ugovora.

TV serijal je dostupan javnosti na službenoj web stranici Ministarstva odbrane BiH (preko ovog linka:, kao i na YouTube-u (epizode proizvedene kroz ovaj projekt možete naći ispod).

Projekat je realizovan u partnerstvu sa Uredom za odnose s javnošću Ministarstva odbrane BiH i televizijske i filmske produkcijske kuće “Input” iz Sarajeva.


TV series “Our strength”

The aim of the project, funded through the NATO Public Diplomacy Division’s Co-Sponsorship Grants, was to produce and broadcast 13  episodes, of the TV series “Naša snaga” (“Our Strenght”) in the period June-November 2015.

The TV series is designed to portray the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces of BiH with the program content created in a way that, apart from the regular topics that include the theme of „BiH and NATO“, NATO cooperation is incorporated in all the topics (basic military training; reaching NATO standards in all areas, from participation of BiH AF members in peace support operations under NATO tutorship to efforts made by the MoD BiH to ensure the basic requirements for participation in the Membership Action Plan (MAP)).

To be able to make further advances in BiH integration to NATO it is required to gain a wider public support. The production of these episodes has the aim to help to contribute towards better understanding of the membership processes to NATO and inform the public about the current tasks and activities of the AF and MoD BiH, as well as educate and inform professionals and students about NATO goals and missions.

The TV series is also available to the public on the official webpage of the BiH MoD (via this link:, as well as on YouTube (the episodes produced through this project can be found above).

The project was realised in close partnership with the Office for Public Relation of MoD BiH and TV Film Production House ‘Input’ Sarajevo.