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Generalni sekretar Centra za sigurnosne studije, Denis Hadžović, učesnik je TAIEX radionice na temu upućivanje policijskih i državnih službenika u međunarodne civilne misije upravljanja krizama, koja se održava 15. i 16. marta 2017. godine. Radionica se organizuje u okviru Instrumenta Evropske komisije za tehničku pomoć i razmjenu informacija (TAIEX) u saradnji s Ministarstvom sigurnosti BiH, Ministarstvom unutrašnjih poslova Republike Slovenije, Ministarstvom vanjskih poslova Republike Slovenije i Policijom Republike Češke radi razmjene iskustava u ovoj oblasti sa stručnjacima iz Slovenije i Češke Republike.
Radi se o prvoj radionici koju organizuje neko tijelo izvršne vlasti, zbog čega je izražena nada da će se nakon ovoga uskoro raditi i na uspostavljanju pravnog, odnosno zakonodavnog okvira za ta pitanja. Iako je oko 300 policijskih službenika već bilo u mirovnim misijama pod vodstvom Ujedinjenih nacija (UN), postoje manjkavosti u zakonodavnom, institucionalnom i proceduralnom okviru.
Bosna i Hercegovina doprinosi mirovnim operacijama upućivanjem vojnog i policijskog osoblja te je izrazila volju da intenzivira svoj doprinos multilateralnim mirovnim operacijama kroz angažovanje civilnih kapaciteta. To je posljedica globalnog trenda u okviru kojeg se, usljed evolucije mirovnog mandata UN-a, uloga civila transformisala od pružanja samo periferne podrške do centralnog mjesta u savremenim operacijama izgradnje i održanja mira.
Podsjećamo, Centar za sigurnosne studije, kao partner Norveškog instituta za međunarodnu politiku (NUPI) i Beogradskog centra za bezbednosnu politiku (BCBP), zajedno s regionalnim partnerima iz Hrvatske, Albanije, Crne Gore i Makedonije, krajem prošle godine završio je implementaciju projekta kojim su analizirani civilni kapaciteti šest zemalja Zapadnog Balkana za učešće u mirovnim operacijama.
The Secretary General of the Centre for Security Studies, Denis Hadžović, PhD, is participating in the TAIEX workshop on seconding police and civil servants in international civilian crisis management missions, held on 15 and 16 March 2017. The workshop is organized under the Instrument of the European Commission Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX) in cooperation with the Ministry of Security of BiH, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and the Police of the Czech Republic in order to exchange experiences in this field with experts from Slovenia and the Czech Republic.
It is the first workshop organized by a body of executive governance, which gives hope that after this, the legal or regulatory framework for the deployments will be established. Although about 300 police officers already participated in different peacekeeping missions led by the United Nations (UN), there are deficiencies in the legislative, institutional and procedural framework.
Bosnia and Herzegovina contributes to peace-keeping operations by sending military and police personnel and has expressed willingness to step up its contribution to multilateral peacekeeping operations through the involvement of civilian expertise. This is the result of a global trend in which due to the evolution of the UN peace mandate, the role of civilians has transformed from providing peripheral support to having a central place in modern peace building and peace maintenance operations.
Last year, the Centre for Security Studies, as the partner of the Norwegian Institute for International Policy (NUPI) and the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP), together with regional partners from the Croatia, Albania, Montenegro and Macedonia, completed the implementation of a project where civilian capacities of six Western Balkan countries to participate in peacekeeping operations were analysed.