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Prezentacija istraživačkog projekta: „Radna kultura civilnog i vojnog osoblja i odnosi u odbrambenim organizacijama“ 

U okviru realizacije Sporazuma o razumijevanju u oblasti naučno-istraživačke saradnje između Centra za sigurnosne studije (CSS) i Ministarstva odbrane BiH, dana 16. novembra 2016. godine organizovana je prezentacija rezultata međudržavnog istraživanja ‘Saradnja vojno-civilnog osoblja u odbrambenim organizacijama’. Istraživanje je sprovedeno unutar NATO STO Istraživačke radne grupe, a u njemu je uzelo učešće 13 zemalja, većinom članica NATO-a. Na inicijativu CSS-a, koju je u cjelosti podržalo Ministarstvo, u ovo prestižno istraživanje uključena je i Bosna i Hercegovina, kao ravnopravan partner u implementaciji ovog NATO projekta. Nakon predstavljanja zvaničnih rezultata istraživanja na međunarodnom nivou, CSS je u saradnji sa Odjelom za personal MO BiH, upriličio skup u zgradi Ministarstva u Sarajevu, radi upoznavanja visokih zvaničnika Ministarstva odbrane i Oružanih snaga BiH sa najznačajnijim nalazima istraživanja.  

Ispred NATO STO radne grupe, rezultate je prisutnima predstavila dr. Irina Goldenberg, vođa istraživačkog tima sa Kanadskog instituta za istraživanje vojnog personala, koji je bio i lider ovog međunarodnog istraživačkog projekta. Predstavljajući značaj istraživanja za kvalitetno planiranje i unapređenje civilno vojnih odnosa u odbrambenim organizacijama, dr. Goldenberg je veoma pozitivnim ocijenila spremnost MO BiH da se uključi u rad ovog i sličnih tijela NATO-a koja imaju za cilj da pruže doprinos međunarodnom miru i sigurnosti. U drugom dijelu skupa, prisutni su imali priliku da se neposredno upoznaju i sa praktičnim radom i iskustvima istraživačkih instituta Kanadskog ministarstva odbrane, te njihovom doprinosu u kreiranju politika i planova vojnih struktura.

Tokom diskusije naglašena je i postojeća zakonska obaveza Ministarstva da razvija aktivnosti u oblasti naučno istraživačkog rada, te su se u skladu sa tim, razmatrali i mogući modaliteti  saradnje u narednom periodu. U završnim obraćanjima, pozitivnim je ocijenjena uključenost Bosne i Hercegovine u ovom međudržavnom istraživačkom projektu, te iskazana spremnost na produbljivanju bilateralne saradnje sa Ministarstvom odbrane i Oružanih snaga Kanade u oblasti naučno istraživačkog rada, kao i nastavku saradnje sa civilnim strukturama u jačanju zajedničkih kapaciteta koji mogu poboljšati rad i funkcionisanje odbrambenih struktura u Bosni i Hercegovini.


Cooperation between CSS and the Ministry of Defense – Presentation of the research project: “The working culture of civil and military personnel and relations in defence organizations”

In the implementation of the Agreement of Understanding in the field of research cooperation between the Centre for Security Studies (CSS) and the Ministry of Defence, on 16 November 2016, the presentation of the results of cross-national research ‘Cooperation between military and civilian personnel in defence organizations’ was organized. The research was conducted within the NATO STO Research Task Group, and 13 countries took part, mostly NATO members. At the initiative of CSS, which was fully supported by the Ministry, Bosnia and Herzegovina took part as an equal partner in the implementation of the NATO project. After the presentation of the official results of the research at the international level, CSS, in cooperation with the Department for Personnel of the MoD BiH, organized a gathering in the building of the Ministry in Sarajevo, to present the most important findings of the research to senior officials of the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces.


On behald od the NATO STO Research Task Group, the results were presented by Irina Goldenberg, PhD, leader of the research team from Defence Research and Development Canada, who were the leader of this international research project. Presenting the importance of research for quality planning and improvement of civil-military relations in defence organizations, Dr Goldenberg assessed very positively the readiness of the MoD BiH to engage in the work of this and other NATO bodies that aim to contribute to international peace and security. In the second part of the event, participants had the opportunity to get directly acquainted with the practical work experience and research institutes of the Canadian Ministry of Defence, as well as their contribution to the development of policies and plans of military structures.


During the discussion, the existing legal obligations of the Ministry to develop activities in the field of scientific research were stressed, and accordingly possible modalities for cooperation in the future were discussed. In the closing remarks, the inclusion of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the cross-country research project was highly acknowledged, and readiness to deepen bilateral cooperation with the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces of Canada in the field of scientific research was expressed, as well as the continuation of cooperation with civilian authorities in strengthening the joint capacity that can improve the operation and functioning of the defence structure in Bosnia and Herzegovina.