for English, please see bellow
U četvrtak, 8. decembra 2016. godine, ambasadorica Kanade u BiH, gospođa Isabelle Poupart, zajedno s gospodinom Michaelom Horlerom, političkim savjetnikom, te gospođom Sarom Činjarević, predstavnicom Kanadskog fonda za lokalne inicijative (CFLI), posjetila je Centar za sigurnosne studije.
Generalni sekretar Centra za sigurnosne studije, dr.sci. Denis Hadžović, iskoristio je priliku da se zahvali na finansijskoj podršci Kanadskog fonda za lokalne inicijative za implementaciju projekta „WISE – Unapređenje vidljivosti žena u sigurnosnim institucijama“.
Tokom sastanka razgovaralo se o dosadašnjem i budućem radu Centra za sigurnosne studije, aktuelnoj sigurnosnoj situaciji u Bosni i Hercegovini, članstvu BiH u NATO te mnogim drugim temama.
Ambasadorica Poupart je upoznata i sa uspostavljenom saradnjom CSS-a s Kanadskim institutom za istraživanje vojnog personala (DRDC-RDDC).
The Ambassador of Canada in BiH visited CSS
On Thursday, 8 December 2016, Canadian Ambassador to BiH, Ms. Isabelle Poupart, together with Mr. Michael Horler, political adviser, and Ms. Sara Činjarević, representative of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI), visited the Centre for Security Studies.
The Secretary General of the Centre for Security Studies, Denis Hadžović, PhD, used the opportunity to thank the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives for the financial support for the implementation of the project “WISE – Enhancing Women’s Visibility in Security Institutions”.
During the meeting the current and future work of the Centre for Security Studies, the current security situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH membership in NATO and many other topics were discussed.
Ambassador Poupart was also acquanited with the established cooperation of CSS with the Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC-RDDC).