(For English language, please see below)
Objavljeno: 22. januara 2024. godine
U periodu od 16. do 18. januara, Centar za sigurnone studije (CSS), zajedno sa Centrom za evropske sigurnosne studije (CESS), u okviru projekta BIHOS, organizovao je drugi trening za predstavnike aktera nadzora sigurnosnog sektora s državnog nivoa, pod nazivom „Nadzor nad radom obavještanog sektora u Bosni i Hercegovini“.
Učesnici treniga bili su predstavnici Parlamentarne skupštine BiH, s naglaskom na komisije u oblasti sigurnosti, Ureda za reviziju institucija BiH, Institucije ombdsmena za ljudska prava BiH, Agencije za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije, civilnog društva, itd.
Tokom uvodih obraćanja, predsjednik Centra za sigurnosne studije, gospodin Denis Hadžović, osvrnuo se na nedovoljnu transparentnost u radu Obavještajno–sigurnosne agencije BiH, dok je gospođa Muamera Numić, sekretarka Zajedničke komisije za nadzor nad radom Obavještajno–sigurnosne agencije BiH, učesnicima približila model uređenja nadzora nad radom OSA-e BiH. Tokom prva dva dana treninga, održane su sesije o međunarodnim praksama uz fokus na usporedbu sa bosanskohercegovačkim praksama i opštim stanjem u oblasti nadzora nad radom obavještajnog sektora.
Prvog dana treninga, predstavnici Zastupničkog doma Kraljevine Nizozemske, gospođa Merel Kroon i gospodin Sjoerd van den Brink, učesnicima su približili zakonodavni okvir rada nizozemskih obavještajno–sigurnosnih službi te su govorili o modelu nadzora nad radom pomenutih službi i akterima koji isti sprovode. Sesija je bila usmjerena na „ex-ante“ i „ex-post“ nadzor nad radom obavještajno-sigurnosnih službi u Kraljevini Nizozemskoj. Pojasnili su proceduru izdavanja ovlaštenja za korištenje posebnih ovlasti pri čemu je fokus bio stavljen na rad Komisije sa istražnim ovlastima (TIB) i Okružnog suda u Hagu kao akterima „ex-ante“ nadzora. Kada je riječ o „ex-post“ nadzoru, govorilo se o sudskom, finansijskom, parlamentarnom i civilnom nadzoru, a fokus je bio na radu Parlamentarne komisije za nadzor nad radom obavještajno-sigurnosnih službi (CIVD), čime je i zaključen prvi dan treninga.
Drugi dan treninga započeo je izlaganjem gospodina Jonasa Cekuolisa, direktora Programa jačanja parlamenta Litvanije i bivšeg predsjedavajućeg Komisije za saradnju sa NATO-om u Litvaniji. Kroz svoje izlaganje učesnicima je objasnio zašto je važan parlamentarni nadzor nad radom obavještajnog sektora te je posebnu pažnju skrenuo nužnu saradnju između obavještajnih službi i parlamenata koja je uslov za napredak. Osvrnuo se i na izazove koje parlamenti imaju kada je riječ o nadzoru obavještajnog sektora i na načine za njihovo prevazilaženje. Približio je učesnicima prakse iz Litvanije, a osvrnuo se i na sličnosti Litvanije i Bosne i Hercegovine. S obzirom na činjenicu da je Litvanija stekla nezavisnost dvije godine prije od Bosne i Hercegovine, skrenuo je pažnju na činjenicu da su obje države „mlade“ te da postoji veliki protor za razvoj. Svoje izlaganje zaključio je prezentovanjem rada ombudsmana za obavještajni sektor u Litvaniji. Nakon izlaganja g. Cekuolisa, gospodin Peter Vanhoute, bivši belgijski parlamentarac, pružio je učesnicima detaljan uvid u prakse parlamentarnog nadzora nad obavještajnim sektorom u Belgiji. Kroz svoje izlaganje osvrnuo se na historijski razvoj obavještajnog sektora u Belgiji, a fokus je stavio na probleme sa kojima se Parlament Belgije suočio kada je riječ o nadzoru nad obavještajnim sektorom te načine rješenja istih. Nakon izlaganja gospodina Petera Vanhoutea, učesnici su imali zadatak da u grupama definišu lanac nadzora nad obavještajnim sektorom u BiH te da isti prezentuju, čime je okončan drugi dan treninga.
Fokus trećeg, završnog dana treninga, bio je na evaluaciji svega naučenog kroz prethodna dva dana. Evaluacija je provedena u formi takmičenja. Naime, učesnici su podijeljeni u dvije grupe i jedni drugima su postavljali pitanja vezana za prethodne sesije. Za kraj treninga, učesnici, podijeljeni u više manjih grupa, imali su zadatak da na osnovu definisanja ključnih problema nadzora nad radom obavještajnog sektora u BiH predlože rješenja za njegovo jačanje.
Podsjetimo, projekat „BIHOS – Bosna i Hercegovina gradi inkluzivni nadzor nad sigurnošću“ finansira Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Kraljevine Nizozemske, a implementiraju ga Centar za evropske sigurnosne studije (Groningen, Nizozemska), Centar za sigurnosne studije (Sarajevo, BiH) i Evropski defendologija centar (Banja Luka, BiH). Glavni cilj projekta je ojačati demokratsko upravljanje i inkluzivni nadzor sigurnosnog sektora u BiH na državnom, entitetskom i kantonalnom nivou.
Više informacija o projektu BIHOS možete pronaći ovdje, a možete nas pratiti i na društvenim mrežama (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter i LinkedIn) upotrebom hashtag-a #BIHOS.
BIHOS: The second training for the state level was held
Published: January 22nd, 2024
As part of the BIHOS project, in the period from 16 to 18 January, the Center for Security Studies (CSS), together with the Centre for European Security Studies (CESS), organized the second training for representatives of security sector oversight actors from the state level entitled “Oversight of the Intelligence Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”
The training was attended by representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, with emphasis on commissions in the field of security, the Audit Office of the Institutions of BiH, the Institution of Ombudsman for Human Rights of BiH, the Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight Against Corruption, the Ministry of Defense of BiH, civil society organizations, etc.
During the opening remarks, Mr. Denis Hadzovic, President of the Centre for Security Studies of BiH, spoke about the insufficient transparency in the work of the Intelligence and Security Agency of BiH, while, Ms. Muamera Numic, Secretary of the Joint Commission on Supervision of the Work of the Intelligence and Security Agency of BiH, presented a model for organizing oversight over the work of OSA BiH. During the first two days, sessions were held to discuss international practices in comparison to Bosnian practices and the to evaluate general situation in the field of oversight of the intelligence sector.
During the first day of the training, Ms. Merel Kroon and Mr. Sjoerd van den Brink, who work for the Parliamentary Committee on the Intelligence and Security Services of the Parliament of the Netherlands, introduced the legislative framework of the Dutch intelligence-security services. They discussed the “ex-ante” and “ex-post” oversight model of the work of these services and the actors responsible for implementing them. They explained the procedure for issuing authorizations for the use of investigatory powers, focusing on the work of the Investigatory Powers Commission (TIB) and the District Court in The Hague as actors of “ex-ante” oversight. Regarding “ex-post” oversight, judicial, financial, parliamentary, and civil oversight was discussed, and the focus was on the work of the Parliamentary Committee for the Intelligence and Security Services (CIVD), which concluded the first day of the training.
The second day of the training started with a presentation by Mr. Jonas Cekuolis, former Parliamentary Strengthening Program Director, and former Chairperson of the NATO Affairs Committee in Lithuania. Through his presentation, he explained to the participants why parliamentary oversight over the work of the intelligence sector is important, and he drew special attention to the necessary cooperation between intelligence agencies and parliaments, which is a condition for progress. He also referred to the challenges that parliaments have when it comes to oversight of the intelligence sector and ways to overcome them. He represented to the participants the practice from Lithuania and referred to the similarities between Lithuania and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Because Lithuania gained independence two years before then Bosnia and Herzegovina, he drew attention to the fact that both countries are “young” and that there is a lot of room for development. He concluded his presentation by presenting the work of the Intelligence Ombudsman in Lithuania.
After Mr. Cekuolisa’s presentation, Mr. Peter Vanhoute, a former Belgian parliamentarian provided the participants with a detailed insight into the practices of parliamentary oversight of the intelligence sector in Belgium. Through his presentation, he reflected on the historical development of the intelligence sector in Belgium. He highlighted the challenges faced by the Parliament of Belgium when it comes to overseeing the intelligence sector. Following his presentation, the participants were divided into groups and tasked with defining the chain of oversight over the intelligence sector in BiH. They presented their findings, concluding the second day of the training.
On the third and final day of training, the focus was on evaluating everything that had been learned during the previous two days. The evaluation was conducted in the form of a competition. Participants were divided into two groups and asked each other questions related to the previous sessions. Towards the end of the training the participants, divided into several smaller groups, had the task of proposing solutions for its strengthening, based on identifying the key problems that were identified during the training.
Please note that the project “BIHOS – Bosnia and Herzegovina Building Inclusive Oversight of Security” is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and it is implemented by the Center for European Security Studies (Groningen, Netherlands), the Centre for Security Studies (Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and the European Defendology Center ( Banja Luka, BiH). The primary objective of the project is to strengthen democratic governance and inclusive oversight of the security sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) on the state, entity, and canton levels.
You can find more information about the BIHOS project here and follow us on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn) using the hashtag #BIHOS.