The Conference „Media and Security Sector Reform in BiH“, was held from 11th to 13th of May 2006 in Sarajevo in the Building of Joined Institutions of BiH in Sarajevo, organized by the Center for Security Studies in cooperation with NATO HQ Brussels and the Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF).

It had the aim to promote the role of media in the process of security sector reform, and to emphasise their importance in creating and building a democratic and responsible security sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The conference was attended by parliamentarians of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, representatives of public affairs offices of legislative and executive state structures, the media, international organisations, as well as representatives from academia and political parties.

DOWNLOAD: LIST OF PARTICIPANTS, AGENDA, CONFERENCE REPORT, Enes Bečirbašić presentation-148KB, Dušan Reljić presentation-137KB, Erik Baktai presentation-144KB