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Centar za sigurnosne studije je uz podršku NATO odjela za javnu diplomatiju organizovao dvodnevnu studijsku posjetu grupe mladih iz Bosne i Hercegovine u kojoj su se nalazili studenti, novinari i predstavnici nevladinog sektora NATO štabu i Evropskom servisu za vanjske poslove (EEAS) u Briselu.
Tokom posjete NATO štabu, u ponedjeljak 18.11.2019. godine, učesnici su imali priliku da se upoznaju sa opštim informacijama o NATO savezu, temama koje se tiču odnosa Bosne i Hercegovine i NATO saveza, trenutnim sigurnosnim izazovima NATO, kao i o NATO programu Nauka za mir i sigurnost. Na kraju posjete organizovana je panel diskusija s predstavnicima stalnih misija pri NATO iz Nizozemske (kao članice osnivača saveza), Mađarske ( kao saveznika čija ambasada u Sarajevu ima ulogu NATO kontakt ambasade u Bosni i Hercegovini) te Crne Gore (kao najnovije članice NATO saveza).
Razgovor s predstavnicima Odjela za Zapadni Balkan EEAS, je održan naredni dan, u utorak 19.11.2019. godine. Glavna tema razgovora je bila evropski put Bosne i Hercegovine, posebno u pogledu ključnih izazova za članstvo Bosne i Hercegovine u Evropskoj uniji, kao i o trenutnim sigurnosnim izazovima.
The Centre for Security Studies, with the support of the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, organized a two-day study visit for a group of young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina which included students, journalists and representatives of the NGO sector to the NATO Headquarters and the European External Action Service (EEAS) in Brussels.
During the visit to the NATO Headquarters, on Monday, November 18, 2019, participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with general information on NATO, topics related to the relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and NATO, current NATO security challenges and the NATO Science for Peace and Security Program. At the end of the visit, a panel was organized with representatives of permanent missions to NATO from the Netherlands (as a founding member of the Alliance), Hungary (as an ally whose embassy in Sarajevo has the role of NATO contact embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina), and Montenegro (as the newest NATO member).
A discussion with representatives of the Western Balkans Division of the EEAS was held the following day, on Tuesday, 19.11.2019. The main topic of the discussion was the European path of Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially regarding the key challenges for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s membership in the European Union, as well as the current security challenges.