Druga konferencija za rukovodioce think tank-ova na Zapadnom Balkanu / 2nd Conference for Managers of Think Tanks in the Western Balkans

For English, see below

Trodnevna konferencija za rukovodioce think tank-ova na Zapadnom Balkanu je održana u Beču od 20. do 23. februara. Konferenciji, koja se održava pod nazivom „Između opstanka i razvoja: Izazovi i mogućnosti think tankova na Zapadnom Balkanu“, je prisustvovao i generalni sekretar Centra za sigurnosne studije (CSS), dr.sc. Denis Hadžović.

Cilj konferencije je bio razmatranje trenutnog okruženja u kojem djeluju think tankovi na Zapadnom Balkanu. Također, uzimajući u obzir kombinaciju globalnih i regionalnih izazova i prilika, cilj je bio i istražiti potencijale za veći utjecaj istraživanja politika u regiji.

Konferenciju, na kojoj je učestvovalo više od 70 rukovodilaca think tankova, organizovala je Fondacija otvorenog društva i koordinirao Centar za društvena istraživanja Analitika.




The three day Conference for Managers of Think Tanks in the Western Balkans was held in Vienna from February 20th to 23rd. The conference, titled „Between Survival and Development: The Challenges and Prospects of Think Tanks in the Western Balkans”, was attended by the Secretary General of the Centre for Security Studies (CSS) Denis Hadžović, PhD.

The aim of the conference was to discuss about the current environment in which think tanks are operating in the Western Balkans. Also, taking into account the combination of global and regional challenges and opportunities, it aimed to seek potentials for bigger influence of policy research in the region.

The conference, attended by more than 70 think tank managers, was organized by the Open Society Foundation and coordinated by the Center for Social Research Analitika.