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Generalni sekretar Centra za sigurnosne studije, dr.sci. Denis Hadžović, prisustvuje Think Thank Euro-Med Forumu i Rome MED – Mediteranski dijalozi, koji se održava u Rimu, Italija od 30. novembra do 3. decembra 2016. godine.

Četrdesetpet vodećih eksperata i direktora značajnih internacionalnih think tank-ova će se sastati tokom Euro-Med Think Tanks Foruma 2016.  Forum je organizovan u saradnji sa “Program think tank i civilno društvo” Univerziteta u Pensilvaniji i realizovan je u okviru “preMED inicijative”, u vidu sektorskih sastanaka prilagođenih odabranoj publici poput poslovne zajednice, kreatora politika, glavnih urednika, think tankova i stručnjaka.


Uvodničar Euro-Med Think Tank Foruma „Prevazilaženje nemira: nova uloga i mogućnosti za Think Tank-ove na Mediteranu je Emma Bonino, bivša ministrica vanjskih poslova Republike Italije i EU komesarka; supredsjedavajuća Evropskog vijeća za vanjske odnose, ECFR (EU).

Rome MED-Mediteranski dijalozi je godišnja incijativa visokog ranga, koju organizuje talijansko Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova i međunarodne saradnje i Talijanski institut za međunarodne političke studije (ISPI). Cilj skupa je izgradnja “pozitivne agende” za mediteransku regiju, stimulirajući debate i nove ideje, promišljanjem tradicionalnih pristupa i rješavanjem zajedničkih izazova na regionalnom i međunarodnom nivou.

Uvodni govor za MED, koji se održava pod visokim pokroviteljstvom predsjednika Republike Italije, održati će Paolo Gentiloni, ministar vanjskih poslova i međunarodne saradnje Republike Italije. Program čini 20 sesija, dijaloga i političkih foruma i ima četiri teme: ‘Zajednički prosperitet’, ‘Zajednička sigurnost’, ‘Migracije’, i ‘Civilno društvo i kultura’. Učesnici i govornici događaja su predstavnici think tank-ova i lideri u poslovanju, politici i kulturi iz više od 50 država. Neki od govornika su: Boris Johnson, državni sekretar vanjskih poslova i poslova komonvelta Velike Britanije, John Kerry, državni sekretar SAD, Sergej Lavrov, ministar vanjskih poslova Rusije, i Federica Mogherini, visoki predstavnik Evropske unije za vanjske poslove i sigurnosnu politiku.


The Secretary General of the Centre for Security Studies, Denis Hadžović, PhD, is attending the Euro-Med Think Tanks Forum and Rome MED – Mediterranean Dialogues held in Rome, Italy, from November 30th until December 3rd 2016.

Forty-five leading experts and directors of major international think tanks will meet during the Euro-Med Think Tanks Forum 2016. The Forum, organized in partnership with the “Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program” of the University of Pennsylvania, is envisioned within the framework of the “preMED intiatives”, sectorial meetings tailored to selected audiences such as business communities, policy planners, senior editors, think tanks and experts.

image-0-02-05-283bd9a627e4b0630bf843b5611073d24724e88272dd330d052c67774980e736-vThe keynote speaker of the Euro-Med Think Tanks Forum „Beyond Turmoil: New Role and Opportunities for Think Tanks in the Mediterranean” is Emma Bonino, Former Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and EU Commissioner; Co-Chairman, European Council on Foreign Relations, ECFR (EU).

Rome MED – Mediterranean Dialogues is an annual high-level initiative organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ISPI (Italian Institute for International Political Studies). The event aims to draft a “positive agenda” for the Mediterranean region by stimulating debate and new ideas, rethinking traditional approaches and addressing shared challenges at both the regional and the international level.

The keynote address for the MED, held under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, will be given by Paolo Gentiloni, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The program is structured around 20 sessions, dialogues and policy forums and revolves around four pillars: ‘Shared Prosperity’, ‘Shared Security’, ‘Migration’, and ‘Civil Society and Culture’. The participants and speakers of the event are think tank representatives and leaders in business, politics and culture from over 50 countries. Speakers include Boris Johnson, Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom, John Kerry, Secretary of State of the USA, Sergej Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, and Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
