(For English language, please see below)
15. i 17. oktobra, u gradu na rijeci Vrbas, uz finansijsku podršku Evropske unije, održana su dva događaja koji su bili u znaku UN Rezolucije 1325 „Žene, mir i sigurnost“. Prvi događaj, odnosno forum, bio je namijenjen za političke subjekte, tj. predstavnike i predstavnice političkih stranaka, s fokusom na one koji djeluju pri organima stranaka nadležnih za pitanja žena i mladih, dok je drugi forum okupio građane i građanke različitog profila. Oba foruma organizirana su pod okriljem inicijative „Žene i sigurnost? Prirodno, skroz!“.
Kao što je naznačeno, suština ovih foruma bila je da prisutne pobliže upozna s osnovnim obilježjima Rezolucije 1325, poput njena četiri osnovna stuba (već učešće žena na svim nivoima institucionalnog donošenja odluka, zaštita žena i djevojaka od seksualnog i rodno zasnovanog nasilja, prevencija nasilja nad ženama te pomoć/oporavak kako bi se međunarodnim krizama pristupilo iz perspektive roda). Evropska unija stavlja implementaciju Rezoluciju 1325 u fokus zajedničke vanjske i sigurnosne politike Evropske unije kao ključan alat osiguravanje poštovanja i zaštite prava, djelovanja i zaštite žena i djevojčica u svakom trenutku. Svaki forum započeo je interaktivnom igrom, u kojoj su učesnici i učesnice dali svoje vlastito viđenje kroz izjavu „žene su ključne za mir i sigurnost, jer…“. Odgovori su se nizali, a žene su opisivali kao požrtvovane, suosjećajne, odgovorne, pouzdane i sl. Osim toga, na oba foruma posebna pažnja se posvetila i tematici nasilja u porodici, a koje najćešće pogađa žene i djevojčice. Kako je istakla doktorica Nikolina Grbić Pavlović iz Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srpske, predavačica i moderatorica diskusije na oba foruma, cilj takvog nasilja je uspostavljanje moći i kontrole!
Specifičnost ovih foruma jeste da su završeni cyber kvizom. Kibernetička ili cyber sigurnost postala je prepoznatljivo prioritetno područje za međunarodne i nacionalne sigurnosne politike, nacionalne interese, ali i za potencijalno ugrožavanje građana i cjelokupnog društva. Dok sve države svijeta traže najoptimalnije i najefikasnije načine da zaštite svoje nacionalne interese, ali i interese svoje ekonomije i građana od cyber napada, Bosna i Hercegovina (BiH) već dugi niz godina tapka u mjestu. Rezultati cyber kviza pokazuju da određena svijest postoji o tim pitanjima među građanima i građankama, ali da je potrebno dugoročno raditi na njenom povećanju.
U narednom periodu, Centar za sigurnosne studije, uz podršku Evropske unije, organizirati će slične forume i u drugim gradovima širom BiH, poput Tuzle, Mostara i Zenice. Ukoliko želite pratiti našu inicijativu, to možete učiniti putem web stranice: www.css.ba i/ili upotrebom heštegova #CSSBiH #GESOSSBiH na društvenim medijima.
GESOSS BiH, odnosno inicijativu „Žene i sigurnost? Prirodno, skroz!“ finansira Evropska unija, a implementiraju Centar za sigurnosne studije (Sarajevo, BiH), kao glavni nosilac, te naše partnerske organizacije Udruženje Mreža policijskih službenica (Sarajevo, BiH) i Centar za evropske sigurnosne studije (Groningen, Nizozemska).
GESOSS BiH: Banja Luka is FOR 1325!
On October 15th and 17th, in the city on the Vrbas River, two events were held under the banner of UN Resolution 1325 “Women, Peace, and Security,” with financial support from the European Union. The first event, a forum, was intended for political entities, namely representatives of political parties, focusing on those responsible for issues concerning women and youth within party bodies. The second forum gathered citizens from various backgrounds. Both forums were organized under the initiative “Women and Security? Naturally, Completely!“
As indicated, the essence of these forums was to acquaint the participants with the key features of Resolution 1325, such as its four core pillars (increased participation of women at all levels of institutional decision-making, protection of women and girls from sexual and gender-based violence, prevention of violence against women, and assistance/recovery to address international crises from a gender perspective). The European Union places the implementation of Resolution 1325 at the center of its Common Foreign and Security Policy as a crucial tool for ensuring respect, action, and protection of the rights of women and girls at all times. Each forum began with an interactive activity where participants shared their views through the statement “Women are key to peace and security because…” The answers flowed, describing women as dedicated, compassionate, responsible, reliable, etc. Furthermore, both forums paid special attention to the topic of domestic violence, which most often affects women and girls. As highlighted by Dr. Nikolina Grbić Pavlović from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republika Srpska, a lecturer, and moderator of the discussions at both forums, the goal of such violence is to establish power and control!
A unique aspect of these forums was that they concluded with a cyber quiz. Cybersecurity has become a recognized priority area for international and national security policies, national interests, and for the potential threat to citizens and society as a whole. While countries around the world are seeking the most optimal and effective ways to protect their national interests, economies, and citizens from cyber-attacks, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has been stagnant for many years. The results of the cyber quiz show that there is some awareness of these issues among citizens, but long-term efforts are needed to increase it.
In the coming period, the Centre for Security Studies, with the support of the European Union, will organize similar forums in other cities across BiH, such as Tuzla, Mostar, and Zenica. If you wish to follow our initiative, you can do so via our website: www.css.ba, and/or by using the hashtags #CSSBiH #GESOSSBiH on social media.
GESOSS BiH, the initiative “Women and Security? Naturally, Completely!” is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Centre for Security Studies (Sarajevo, BiH) as the lead organization, along with our partner organizations, the “Police Women’s Network” Associaton (Sarajevo, BiH), and the Centre for European Security Studies (Groningen, Netherlands).