(for English, please see below)
U utorak, 26.09.2017. godine, u Parlamentarnoj skupštini Bosne i Hercegovine održana je međunarodna konferencija pod nazivom „Sveobuhvatni pristup nacionalnoj sigurnosti, suočavanje sa izazovima u Bosni i Hercegovini i regiji, u svjetlu NATO saradnje i partnerstva“. Konferenciju su organizirali Centar za sigurnosne studije i Komisija za NATO integracioni proces Bosne i Hercegovine uz finansijsku podršku NATO Odsjeka za javnu diplomatiju.
Konferencija je održana na marginama NATO-ove EARDCC vježbe upravljanja katastrofama i otklanjanja posljedica “Bosna i Hercegovina 2017”, koja se izvodi od 25. do 29. septembra na području Tuzlanskog kantona u organizaciji Ministarstva sigurnosti BiH i Evroatlantskog koordinacijskog centra za reagiranje na katastrofe (EADRCC).
Konferenciji su prisustvovali predstavnici Sjevernoatlantskog saveza (NATO), OSCE misije u BiH, Slovačke, Hrvatske, Srbije, Crne Gore i Makedonije te akademske zajednice i institucija vlasti u Bosni i Hercegovini. Tom prilikom, predstavljeni su savremeni sigurnosni izazovi s kojima se suočavaju zemlje u regionu te modaliteti saradnje s NATO savezom. Također, izražene su važnost i nužnost saradnje između država regiona u cilju rješavanja savremenih sigurnosnih izazova, kao i daljnja posvećenost NATO saveza politici otvorenih vrata i pružanju podrške državama Zapadnog Balkana koje pretenduju da postanu njegove punopravne članice.
On Tuesday, 26th September 2017, an international conference entitled “Comprehensive Approach to the National Security, Meeting the Contemporary Challenges of BiH and the Region in light of NATO cooperation and partnerships” was held in the Parliamentary assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The conference was organized by the Centre for Security Studies and the Commission for the NATO Integration Process of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the financial support of the NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division.
The conference was held on the margins of the NATO EARDCC Disaster Management and Response Exercise “Bosnia and Herzegovina 2017”, which takes place in the period from September 25 to September 29 in the area of Tuzla Canton, and is organized by the Ministry of Security of BiH and the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre ( EADRCC).
The conference was attended by representatives of NATO, the OSCE Mission to BiH, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Macedonia, as well as representatives of the academic community and government institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina. On this occasion, the contemporary security challenges faced by countries in the region and the modalities of cooperation with the NATO alliance were presented. Also, the importance and necessity of cooperation between the countries of the region in order to solve contemporary security challenges, as well as the Alliance’s further commitment to the open door policy and support to the Western Balkan countries which aspire to become its full members, were expressed.