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U okviru Granta organizacionog razvoja Instituta Fondacije Otvoreno Društvo (Švicarska) 14. marta 2016. godine, održana je diskusija „Izgrađivanje kapaciteta i jačanje svojstava organizacije za istraživačke djelatnosti“. Učesnici, pored uposlenika Centra za sigurnosne studije, su bili predstavnici državnih institucija i akademske zajednice, kao ciljna grupa i korisnici proizvoda Centra za sigurnosne studije.

Nakon uvodnog obraćanja generalnog sekretara Centra za sigurnosne studije dr. Denisa Hadžovića, projektni direktor CSS-a, doc.dr. Armin Kržalić je predstavio CSS i učinak rada CSS-a u posljednjih 15 godina.

Predstavnici državnih institucija i akademske zajednice su istaknuli da je dosadašnji rad CSS-a dao značajan doprinos jačanju demokratske konsolidacije i napretku u sigurnosnom sektoru. Tokom diskusije dali su osvrte na razna istraživanja CSS-a, te ukazali na koji način se može unaprijediti kvaliteta i korisnost proizvoda CSS-a, te osnažiti dosadašnja saradnja. Direktorica Agencije za javne nabavke Đinita Fočo je između ostalog istaknula da je CSS jedna od rijetkih organizacija civilnog društva koja je objektivna u svom radu i sa kojom se može ostvariti profesionalna saradnja. Doc. dr. Mirza Smajić, nastavnik i prodekan za nastavu  Fakulteta političkih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu, je istaknuo kako su proizvodi CSS-a kvalitetni i da često upućuje studente da ih koriste kao izvore u svojim radovima, također je rekao da predstavnici CSS-a svojim medijskim nastupima doprinose educiranju građana o sigurnosnom sektoru BiH. Pohvalio je i program stažiranja, te angažovanje mladih istraživača, jer ono doprinosi razvoju istraživanja u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Menadžment i uposlenici Centra za sigurnosne studije su kroz ovu diskusiju dobili uvid u potrebe državnih institucija i akademske zajednice, zahvaljujući kojim mogu unaprijediti korisnost istraživačkih proizvoda. Također, otvorena je saradnja i po pitanju daljnje eksterne evaluacije istraživačkog rada Centra za sigurnosne studije.



Discussion on “Capacity building and strengthening properties of the organization for research activities” held


Within the “Organizational Development Grant” of the Open Society Foundations (Switzerland)  a discussion on “Capacity building and strengthening properties of the organization for research activities” was held on March 14th 2016. The participants were, in addition to staff of the Centre for Security Studies, representatives of state institutions and the academic community, representing target groups and users of the products of the Centre for Security Studies.

After the welcome address by the Secretary General of the Centre for Security Studies,  Denis Hadžović, PhD, the project director of CSS, Armin Kržalić, PhD,  presented the CSS and the performance of the CSS in the past 15 years.

The representatives of state institutions and the academic community have pointed out that the work of CSS has made a significant contribution to the strengthening of democratic consolidation and progress in the security sector. During the discussion they gave reviews of various studies of the CSS, and suggested how the quality and usefulness of the Centre’s products can be improved, as well as how to strengthen the current cooperation. The director of the Public Procurement Agency, Ms. Đinita Fočo, among other things said that the CSS is one of the few civil society organizations, that is objective in their work and with which one can achieve professional cooperation. Mirza Smajić, PhD, assistant professor and Vice-Dean of academic affairs of the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo, said that the products of  the CSS are of high quality and that he often sugests to students to use them as sources in their works, adding that representatives of the CSS during their media appearances contribute to educating citizens about the security sector BiH. He commended the internship program and recruitment of young researchers, because it contributes to the development of research in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Tha managment and  the staff of the Centre for Security Studies have through this discussion obtained an insight into the needs of the state institutions and the academic community, which will allow to enhance the utility of the research products. Also, the cooperation concerning future external evaluation of research of the Center for Security Studies has been created.