For English, please see bellow

U srijedu, 18. maja 2016. godine, održana je radionica „Jačanje kapaciteta u javnim nabavkama sektora sigurnosti“. Radionica je organizovana u okviru projekta „Izgradnja integriteta i jačanje anti-korupcijskih praksi u sektoru sigurnosti – ACroSS“ koji finansijski podržava Evropska unija. Tokom prethodne radionice, učesnici su identifikovali određene probleme u postupku javnih nabavki sektora sigurnosti, stoga je cilj ove radionice bio da se dođe do što kvalitetnijih mjera u svrhu njihovog otklanjanja.

U uvodnim izlaganjima prisutnima su se obratili Denis Hadžović, generalni sekretar Centra za sigurnosne studije i Sreto Pekić, zamjenik direktora Agencije za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije. Gosp. Hadžović je naglasio da će institucije Bosne i Hercegovine u procesu pridruživanja Evropskoj uniji biti obavezne jačati kapacitete na području javnih nabavki, kao i na području borbe protiv korupcije. Istakao je da te „obaveze podrazumijevaju uspostavu odgovarajućih institucija i mehanizama, uključujući one koji se tiču pravnih lijekova, kao i upošljavanje odgovarajućeg osoblja u ovim institucijama i osiguravanje dovoljno kapaciteta kako bi one mogle efikasno vršiti svoje funkcije“. Prema gosp. Pekiću „službenici Agencije za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije se svakodnevno nalaze ne terenu gdje vrše obuku u skladu sa novom Strategijom za borbu protiv korucije“. Također je naveo da efikasnija prevencija korupcije zahtijeva zajednički angažman svih institucija.

U nastavku radionice, predstavnici institucija sektora sigurnosti su konstruktivnom diskusijom došli do prijedloga mjera za otklanjanje identifikovanih problema, te su iste predstavljene gospođi Điniti Fočo, direktorici Agencije za javne nabavke. Gospođa Fočo je dala osvrt na predložene mjere, te upoznala učesnike radionice sa trenutnim aktivnostima Agencije za javne nabavke. Rasprava koja je uslijedila omogućila je učesnicima da postave pitanja, te da razmijene najbolje prakse.

Centar za sigurnosne studije će donosiocima odluka uputiti dokument sa identifikovanim problemima u postupku javnih nabavki u sektoru sigurnosti i predloženim mjerama za njihovo otklanjanje.


Second Workshop within the project ACroSS held

A workshop “Strengthening capacities of public procurement in the sector security” was held on Tuesday, May 18 2016.  The workshop was organized within the project “Integrity Building and Strengthening Anti-Corruption Practices in the Security Sector – ACroSS”, which is financially supported by the European Union. Given the fact that during the previous workshop, participants have identified certain problems in the public procurement process of the security sector, the purpose of this workshop was  to come up with qualitative measures in order of their elimination.

In the opening remarks, participants were addressed by Denis Hadžović, Secretary  General of the Centre for Security Studies and Sreto Pekić, Deputy Director of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight Against Corruption. Mr. Hadžović emphasized that the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the process of joining the European Union, will be required to strengthen capacities in the area of public procurement, as well as in the fight against corruption. He pointed out that these “obligations include the establishment of appropriate institutions and mechanisms, including those related to legal remedies; the recruitment of appropriate personnel in these institutions as well as ensuring sufficient capacity in order to enable them to effectively carry out their functions.” According to Mr. Pekić, “officials of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight Against Corruption are on the ground on a daily basis, where they conduct training in accordance with the new Strategy for the Fight Against Corruption”. He also noted that effective prevention of corruption requires the common engagement of all institutions

In the continuation of the Workshop, representatives of the security sector institutions came up with proposals of measures for elimination of the identified problems during a constructive discussion, which were presented to Mrs. Đinita Fočo, Director of the Public Procurement Agency. Mrs. Fočo made references to the proposed measures, and informed the participants of the Workshop with the current activities of the Public Procurement Agency. In the discussion that followed, participants asked questions and shared their best practices.

The Center for Security Studies will send a document containing the identified problems in the process of public procurement in the security sector as well as the proposed measures for their elimination to the decision makes.